An Increasing Tide of Light Covering the World

Since this is my first blog entry, I would like to share my purpose in keeping this blog.

I have become very excited and encouraged to find that many people all over the world are experiencing supernatural revelations of truth.

These revelations come through dreams, visions, out of body experiences, near death experiences, miraculous healings, supernatural signs, angelic visitations, and many other ways.

The purpose of this blog is to share these revelations of truth with anyone interested.

I believe the frequency of such confrontations with the supernatural world will only increase in the days ahead.

TheĀ ancient prophet Habakkuk once received a message from God that I believe will come to pass soon: ‘The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.’

More and more people will experience supernatural truths and know God’s glory until this rising tide of light covers the entire earth. That is why this blog is called ‘The Rising Light’

Okay, the introduction is over. Next, you will see me post stories and experiences that will stun you. Stay tuned.

One thought on “An Increasing Tide of Light Covering the World”

  1. Am born again and HIV positive, please pray for my healing because i have really suffered


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