Category Archives: Healing

Miracle Healings Hit the Streets of Las Vegas

Christians are often called ‘believers’ but some believe more than others.

For instance, how seriously do Christians take Jesus when he says, ‘they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well’ and ‘You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it’?

Today, I want you to meet a guy who took Jesus at his word. He started praying for anyone he could find having faith that God would heal them.

A month went by of praying for half a dozen people everyday and… nothing. Another month went by of praying for people in parking lots, downtown, and wherever he could find people… still nothing seemed to be happening. Yet another month of faithfully believing Jesus’ promises came and went with no tangible results.

Most of us would have given up long before this. That is probably why most of us don’t live supernatural lifestyles.

It was in his fourth month of going out and praying everyday that breakthrough happened. For the first time, Todd received a word of knowledge about a man, prayed, and the man was instantly healed.

From that time on, Todd began seeing the flow of healing miracles become stronger and stronger so that now he almost always sees immediate results.