Category Archives: Miracles

Amazing Miracles in America

Recently Torben Søndergaard came from his home nation of Denmark to visit the United States. Here is what happened:

It really doesn’t matter where Torben goes. He sees miracles wherever he goes. On his website,, you can see miracles wherever he visits whether that be Burger King or Walmart. Why do miracles happen wherever Torben goes? It’s because he walks in Jesus Christ and has the Spirit of God in him and… he knows it!

Torben is not content to bring Jesus and God’s miracles wherever he goes. Torben has dedicated his life to also teaching other people how to walk in Christ Jesus to bring God’s love and miracles to the whole world. In August 2013, Torben will start teaching a free online course so he can mentor as many people as possible! Hope you sign up — I know I’ll be there!

Here are a few of the many videos on Torben’s YouTube Channel



Leaping Across the Space-Time Continuum Via Supernatural Travel

There are many accounts from various sources of people and vehicles being physically transported through space and time in a supernatural way. In some cases, travel from point A to point B is occuring in tiny fractions of the time that should be possible. People are stepping through spiritual doorways and physically appearing in places on the other side of the planet for some spiritual meeting and then coming back in just a matter of an hour or so. There are instances of physical objects passing through one another without damage to either object. People are bi-locating so that they are in one place and in another country in the world at the same time doing completely different things.

Here I will share some of the documented time-space transport miracles and also provide some spiritual background to these by sharing the historical precedent for these as recorded in the pages of scripture.

bruce-allen-translation In the remarkable picture to the left, you can see Bruce Allen’s transparent body captured on film while he was bi-located in Idaho, USA and in the nation of Latvia at the same time. His written testimony about this incident is found on his website.

Before we move on from Bruce Allen who has become instrumental in teaching people about the spiritual basis and right for experiencing these spiritual transportation miracles, here is an interview and teaching by Bruce Allen.

Bruce Allen interviewed by Sid Roth regarding supernatural travel


Bruce Allen teaches on translation by faith (1 hr 48 min long – and you’ll wish it was even longer because it’s so good!)

A two-session teaching by Bruce Allen on Supernatural Translocation:



In the following interview on “It’s Supernatural” a woman tells about an experience wherein a truck sped through an intersection and went right through her car without hurting herself, her car, nor the other passengers.

Truck passes through a car and passengers — David Herzog with Sid Roth


David Herzog tells about driving through time warp


A young woman tells about her “quantum transport” experience

(Click on the title above to follow the link)

Joshua Mills gets supernaturally transported to China – part 1 of 2 (story starts 4:30 into video)

Joshua Mills gets supernaturally transported to China – part 2 of 2

Now, as promised, let’s take a brief survey of some of the ancient supernatural space-time travel precedents for today’s spiritual people:

One of the earliest examples of a person transported supernaturally is Enoch. Genesis 5 and Hebrews 11 say that Enoch walked with God but then he was nowhere to be found because God took him away. He was one who walked closely with God and then he ended up walking right out of this world hand in hand with God.

Another individual noted for space-time travel was Elijah. In 1 Kings 18 the prophet Obadiah told Elijah, “I don’t know where the Spirit of the Lord may carry you when I leave you.” Then, in 2 Kings 2 Elijah is finally carried away permanently in this scene worthy of cinema: “As Elijah and Elisha were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elisha saw this and cried out, ‘My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!’ And Elisha saw him no more.”

The prophet Ezekiel frequently describes in his writings that he was carried places by God. In Ezekiel 8 we read, for example, “I was sitting in my house and the elders of Judah were sitting before me, the hand of the Sovereign Lord came upon me there. I looked, and I saw a figure like that of a man. From what appeared to be his waist down he was like fire, and from there up his appearance was as bright as glowing metal. He stretched out what looked like a hand and took me by the hair of my head. The Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven and in visions of God he took me to Jerusalem.”

Jumping forward to Christ Jesus we have some great examples of supernatural time-space travel starting with when Jesus walked right through an angry crowd wanting to throw him off a cliff (Luke 4). The gospels Mark 6 and John 6 record an incident where Jesus sends his disciples on a boat trip across a large lake. Jesus stays behind to pray on a mountain. A storm comes up on the lake and the disciples are stuck in the middle of the lake trying to row against strong winds and powerful waves. Jesus who is still on the mountain supernaturally sees his disciples struggling to get across the lake and so Jesus walks out onto the lake and meets his disciples in the middle of the lake. He gets in the boat, and instantly the entire boat and all its occupants are instantly transported to the lakeshore the disciples had been trying to reach.

Luke 24 tells about an incident when Jesus is having a meal with two guys and then Jesus disappears right in front of them. A little later, Jesus’s disciples were staying in a locked home and Jesus appeared out of thin air right in front of them (John 20).

Later, we read in Acts 8 about a guy named Philip who was going where the Holy Spirit told him and after he completed his spiritual assignment he was whisked away by the Holy Spirit and then appeared in a town miles away.

Here is a great article called Portals of Heaven, Ancient Gates that addresses the Biblical concept of spiritual gateways.

I hope you have been inspired to journey with God — it is a wonderful and exciting adventure.

Miracle Healings at A.A. Allen’s Meetings

aaallenA.A. Allen began setting up his nine-pole tent seating 22,000 people in the 1950’s and amazing healing miracles were seen night after night under that tent.

Blind eyes were opened, cancer was destroyed, lame legs were restored, deaf ears were opened, and many other blessings were received by people in great need of a touch from God.

As you watch the following montage of healing miracles, pay special attention to the sermon at the beginning of the video and you will get a better understanding of the great revelation that gave A.A. Allen the faith to see God’s power move through him so mightily.

Video Montage of Miracles at A.A. Allen’s Meetings



See wheelchair bound woman at library instantly healed

My friend Pete Cabrera, Jr saw a woman today in a wheelchair.

He wrote:

I got out of church today and as I changed and took the dog outside to use the pottie LOL! I saw a lady in a wheel chair! I ran over to her and told her to get out of the chair and walk! She looked at me crazy and said that’s impossible! I am in pain! i said let me go get my camera and I will tape you walking.

See an amazing miracle of God and see how blessed and happy the miracle makes this woman.


Bay Revival Healings

The Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival began July 23, 2010 in Alabama and continues to this day in Alabama and in the cities that the Bay Revival ministry team visits.

The leadership team made the wise choice to make the revival as accessible as possible by having their ministry team visit various cities to minister. God has graciously ministered healing and salvation in each of those cities.

I say that this was a wise choice because the work of the Holy Spirit can be compared to the wind or to a river. Both the wind and the river flow and move and cannot be kept to one’s self. The church that tries to build a dam and keep the River to themselves will end up with a stale, stinking, stagnant swamp. The River of God’s Revival will not be locked up by a group of Christians trying to selfishly keep God’s blessings to themselves.

God allows his blessings to flow through us and the quicker we pass those blessings on to others the more speedily and mightily will God’s blessings flow through that person. The one who is faithful with little will then be entrusted with the opportunity to share more.

Many wonderful testimonies of healing miracles can also be found on

Documented Miracles, Signs, Wonders, Visions, and Supernatural Encounters

Welcome to The Rising Light where you can see miracles documented by video, hear first-hand accounts of supernatural encounters, and see with your own eyes evidence of the supernatural realm.

100’s of miracles can be seen with your own eyes here on this blog. Take a look at the drop down menu in the black bar across the top of this page to find whatever supernatural manifestation or encounter interests you.

To help you get started, I’ll highlight a few of my favorite posts here for you:

Experiencing the Power of Jesus’ Love – Miracle Healings and More Out on the Streets

This leg lengthening miracle will S T R E T C H your faith!

Jewels Falling from Heaven in Puerto Rico

Disney’s Magic Kingdom gets a visit from God’s Heavenly Kingdom

New Zealand Man Dies and Sees a Glimpse of Eternity

Watch this Documentary to see the Miracles God is Doing Around the World — The Finger of God Film

I would also encourage you to check out our Resource Page to find many excellent eBooks and Links to help you grow spiritually and guide you in exploring the fascinating supernatural realm.

Also, we have put together an excellent collection of Books on the Supernatural for you to check out. Here is a sampling of what is available:

Healed by shadow, spoon, or bubbles?

People tend to get into a rut. We find a way that works and think that’s the only way.

For example, we think if a prayer isn’t said a certain way it won’t receive God’s blessing. Or we think if we don’t pray for healing just right they won’t be healed.

This post is featuring people who were not healed by the typical methods of healing prayer. The key to remember is that miraculous healings are not produced by our hands or our prayers. Miraculous healings come from God alone. Our hands and prayers can be instruments God uses to deliver his healing touch but He is not limited by the length of our arms. He can deliver healing through any object or even through the atmosphere.

He certainly receives the greatest pleasure from seeing us agree with him for healing and taking up our authority in Christ to command healing. He is waiting for us to step into the destiny he has secured for us.

God heals through touch of shadow 

People brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by. ~ Acts 5

God heals through a spoon – Video 1

God heals through a spoon – Video 2

God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them. ~ Acts 19

God heals through bubbles

*note:  bubble video no longer available

Do you know that we make things really complicated when they don’t need to be?

God will stoop down to our level of faith. For example, if the centurion in Matthew chapter 8 had not had faith for a long-distance, no-contact healing, Jesus would have traveled with him to lay hands on the centurion’s servant. But since the centurion had faith that God would heal in response to Jesus’ command no matter what the barriers were between Jesus and the ill servant, God gave the centurion the healing he requested with no further ado.

Do we then have the authority to command healing even without any physical contact with the person?

Yes, we are in Christ and share all the authority of Christ. Read John 14-16 to get a clear picture of what our position of authority is in Christ. Consider these words of Christ from John 14, “Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves. I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

God is the Great Chiropractor

We need to stop limiting ourselves. Our only limit is Christ Jesus who is God and is in God and has God in him. If God can use shadows, bubbles, and spoons to heal people and if he can use a donkey to prophecy, then how can you think that you – Created in the very image of God and redeemed by the blood of the Son of God and made an heir to the kingdom of God – are somehow unable to be used by God. God will work mighty miracles through you. Ask God what he wants to do through you and trust God to be able to do what He says He will do. It really isn’t about your abilities or your holiness. It is all about the ability and holiness of Christ Jesus who is in you and who fills you and covers you and surrounds you. You aren’t the issue. Christ is the beginning and the ending. It starts with Him and ends with Him. God is ready to touch people’s lives and He wants to take you for the ride!