Tag Archives: Orbs

Are Those Orbs Really Angels?

The following is a guest post by missionary and author Jonathan Brenneman.  His website is Go To Heaven Now, and you can read more about him here.


Orbs And Angels

I can’t remember when somebody first showed me a picture of an “orb.” “Orbs” are spheres of light that sometimes show up in photos. Many people told me they were angels. I wasn’t so sure. How could I be sure they weren’t just specks of dust or something else like that?
I wasn’t a total skeptic. I just wasn’t sure what to think. I’d been experiencing more and more angelic activity. I often prayed for people without touching them, yet they felt a hand on their body. I knew that the Bible says angels are ministering spirits, sent by God to serve us. But it seemed like there could easily be a natural explanation for the orbs as well.


Doing Experiments With Orbs

By the time of my first trip to Russia, I had become heavily involved in healing ministry. I wanted to see God’s glory manifested on this trip! I’d spent quite a while praying for the upcoming time in Russia. This was a youth group trip. I was one of the leaders, only a few years older than most of the youth. Many friends were also praying for our group.

We started noticing the orbs in photos on our first night in Russia. They only showed up in pictures. Were these really angels, or just something else?

I decided we should try experimenting. If these were specks up dust on the lens of the camera, they should show up in about the same place in different pictures. So we took different pictures in different places and compared them. The orbs showed up in different parts of the pictures.

But what if they were just something in the air? We started praying and declaring praise to God, then taking pictures to see where the orbs showed up. And yes, it seemed like they were concentrated around the people who were praying! I began to take the possibility that they might be angels more seriously.


Ministering To Russian Grandmothers

We soon got the chance to minister to a group of Russian “babushki.” “Babushki” are grandmothers. Many of these senior ladies had lived through World War Two and Hitler’s siege on Leningrad. (Now St. Petersburg.)

I was excited for the chance to share a testimony. Not so long before this trip to Russia, I’d prayed for an 86-year old lady in the United States whom the doctor had given 6 weeks to live. God healed her of multiple problems. It was a perfect testimony to share with these Russian grandmothers! I shared this testimony and a few scriptures like Psalm 103:2-5

Psalm 103:2-5 (NRSV) Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits— who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Then we began ministering to the old ladies. I laid my hands on a lady who was deaf in one ear. Her hearing returned in that ear! What joy!
The youth began ministering to other ladies. A young girl in our group laid her hands on one of the grandmother’s knees. Soon the old lady, in her 80’s, was jumping up and down. She was waving her hands in the air, and shouting “Glory to God!” (Slava Bogu!) in Russian. (Wow, I just felt my knees get all tingly as I am writing.) She had barely been able to walk because her knees were so bad. When the young girl laid hands on her knees, they got really hot and all the pain left.

The love of God that we felt on that trip was probably greater than most of us had ever experienced before. It felt like the air was thick with God’s love. And guess what we found in the pictures? Orbs, which seemed to be in the middle of all the spiritual activity.
The top picture is of our translator who ministered regularly to these grandmothers. You can see a ball of light in the picture, just above her forehead. The picture underneath is the young girl praying with the grandmother whose knees were healed and with another old lady. They were weeping because of the love they felt. You can see a ball of light right above the young girl’s head.


The picture below is from another one of my trips to Russia. I spoke and shared testimonies in different house meetings around St. Petersburg on that trip. This was one of those meetings. On all three of my trips to Russia, I was so aware of God’s presence that I often physically sensed it as a current of love flowing through my body. These trips were bathed in prayer. You can see all the orbs in the air at this meeting in a Russian apartment. I’m the dude with the orange shirt.

Why Talk So Much About Angels?

Maybe you think the orbs in these pictures are angels. Maybe you’re not quite convinced yet. I can’t completely prove it, but by now I’m pretty sure that the ones in these pictures were some kind of angelic manifestation showing up.

So what’s the big deal? After all, we shouldn’t worship angels.
Of course we shouldn’t worship angels! But we do talk about them, because the Bible talks about them. The Bible teaches that God has chosen to have angels partner with him to do his work, just as he has also chosen to have people partner with him.

God sends angels to minister to us, and that should encourage us! When we realize that God sends angels in response to our prayers and when we speak or act in faith, we will pray so much more. This encourages us to act and to share God’s love with people. The Bible says that even Jesus received angelic ministry after his temptation in the wilderness and in the garden of Gethsemane. How much more should we also thank God for sending angels to minister to us?
You can read more testimonies of angels, healing, and other miracles in the Heaven Now TrilogyPresent Access to Heaven, I Will Awaken the Dawn, and Jesus Has Come in the Flesh. Learn how to partner with God to experience heaven now and manifest heaven’s reality on earth!