Tag Archives: Prophecy

Could These Be Bread Lines Again?

The following is a guest post from Margie Moorman, sharing a visionary experience she had on January 12th, 2017.  It originally aired on Facebook here.  I hope this blesses and speaks to you as it did to myself and others whom she shared it with.


I was in my kitchen this morning and unexpectedly an angel picked me up and took me by the hand. We ‘flew’ together to a part of the city which I was not familiar with. Suddenly we descended and were on top of a large cliff overlooking thousands of people lined up. Eight across, twelve across, thousands of people. I was puzzled at what I saw. I stared at the mass of people and the angel asked me. “What do you see?” I’m not sure if it was my spirit, or my carnal mind but I thought “is this a question like Jesus asked the man at Bethsaida?” (Mark 8:23-25)

Then in a moment we were in a different city with the same sight. “What do you see?” He questioned me. I didn’t answer because instantly He lifted me up and we were suddenly hovering over one more massive group of people in yet another city.

This went on for quite some time. We traveled to so many cities, seeing the same sight. The angel and I did not stay only in the United States and North America. We flew on. He brought me to cliffs above cities to see the same sights in Europe, South America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, then Central America. It seemed a whirlwind, but the angel took me around the world, pointing out the same enormous types of gatherings of people. I was confused. I wanted to know why he had me see all these people.

We ended up on a cliff overlooking an ocean. It was a very calming sight at first, but viewing the ocean and hearing the thunder of the crashing waves caused me to think of the nations and groups of people we had seen. I’m not sure where we were, which ocean I was enjoying with this angel. It didn’t really matter. We were silent for some time. Then the angel asked me the same question again. “What did you see”

I responded to the angel saying “I saw so many people lined up, waiting. What are they waiting for?” I felt foolish answering him in this way, but I continued “it almost looked like I saw the bread lines of times past.” He grinned and then quizzed me “tell me what you know about bread lines”.

I told him I knew that the bread lines in the United States were during the 1930’s. He asked me what that particular time in history was called. I said “The Great Depression” He then put this question out to me. “What else do you know concerning bread lines?”. “I’ve read that there were so many homeless people and they were desperate to survive” I replied.

Suddenly I felt Jesus put His hands on my eyes. My eyes were opened to see what the angel was showing me, and I saw everything clearly. (Mark 8:25)

I exclaimed in a loud voice “Countless numbers of people in this world are desperate! Countless are homeless! Countless are depressed! Countless want to survive! Countless want to be healed and whole!”. Then I gasped “It IS a Bread Line!!!! They are in line for the Bread of Life! JESUS!”

John 6:35 (NIV) “Then Jesus declared, I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty.”

I knew seeing the places the angel had taken me to were an indication of the many who are waiting for a touch from Jesus, Our Provider. Many have heard of Him and are telling others there is LIFE in Jesus. He sustains us. He frees us from depression. He provides for the destitute. He is the Healer. He calls us to His Home. We are one in Jesus. One with the Triune God. Many have not heard the good news of Jesus, but are seeking and have heard these ‘bread lines’ have the answer. They have come longing to hang on to hope. Longing to hang on to a relationship which is unending. God will never forget the needy.

I was overwhelmed. I asked the angel his name. He answered “Elyacaph”. I started weeping. I asked Elyacaph what I can do. He smiled and said “You have seen. Pray for those you have seen to receive the Bread which came down from heaven. Pray that you step out in the love of Jesus when you see people in the ‘bread lines’. Introduce them to the One who loves them unconditionally, just as they are.’

(John 6:51 NIV) “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.’

Elyacaph continued. “Pray the answer is simple and understood by the ones who come longing and asking questions.”

[Paul and Silas] replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” Acts 16:31 (NIV)

The angel went on instructing me. “Pray for the new addition to the family of God to be nurtured and nourished. Pray that the family of God supports each other, adds their strength to these new ones, and loves as God loves”. And he added “I’m here to help”.

I then saw the ‘bread lines’ changing, becoming lines of joy and celebration. I think I squealed with delight. These lines were so long that they intertwined from city to city, nation to nation, tribe to tribe. The family of God was uniting. There were no oceans or seas separating us. We were one in Jesus. We were holding each other. We were taking care of each other. We were loving each other. There was no condemnation. The family of God was rejoicing!

I broke out in songs of thanksgiving. I bowed my head and raised my hands. “My Papa God! This is what You are longing for!”

The angel named Elyacaph patted me on the back and said “you have seen well”. I was immediately back in my home, standing alone in my kitchen. I believe I was transported forward in time, seeing the Bride of Christ coming together, manifesting in wholeness and love.

Note: I later had to look up the spelling of Elyacaph’s name. I was hoping I had heard and pronounced it correctly when he told me. It means “God increases the family”. My God will gather in those that seek Him!

John 10:28 “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of My hand.” (NIV)

2 Peter 3:9 (The Message) “ Don’t overlook the obvious here, friends. With God, one day is as good as a thousand years, a thousand years as a day. God isn’t late with His promise as some measure lateness. He is restraining Himself on account of you, holding back the End because He doesn’t want anyone lost. He’s giving everyone space and time to change.”

-Margie Moorman-

Why We Dream and What Our Dreams Mean

God’s word says ‘be still and know that I am God’. Anyone who knows about hearing God’s voice will tell you that the best way to hear from God is to be still.

One time when we are the most quiet and receptive to hearing God’s voice is when we are sleeping. Does God speak to you while you sleep?

He probably speaks to you through and in your dreams. You may not even realize that your dreams are messages from heaven. You have been told by the world that dreams aren’t important. How many times were you told as a child, ‘Oh, it’s just a dream. Don’t worry about it.’

When I was young I was warned that I should try not to remember my dreams because then I would have to dream the same dream all over again. Now it is difficult for me to remember my dreams. But I am slowly regaining my ability to recall dreams by paying attention to them and writing them down.

It is as I write them down that the meaning of the dream comes to me. Until I write the dream down it is just a foggy, blurry, confusing and insignificant thing to me. Only the dreams that I write down become important to me. That’s when I can see that God is talking to me in my dreams.

Today, I would like to share with you a video from John Paul Jackson who is a great teacher on how to interpret dreams. I’m sure you will find this video very fascinating and helpful.

Dreams and Visions Part 1 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 2 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 3 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 4 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 5 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 6 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 7 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 8 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 9 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 10 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 11 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 12 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 13 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 14 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 15 of 15

You can take a look at John Paul Jackson’s resources at his website.

Check out our last post when we featured John Paul Jackson’s prophetic words for America’s future.

‘The Perfect Storm’ is Coming to America

John Paul Jackson is a man who has received dreams from God all his life. His dreams sometimes reveal the future to him.

Now he has a special message to Christians in America about the next ten years which have already begun.

It has been revealed to John Paul that a number of negative factors will combine to make the next number of years a particularly rough time for the United States.

To give you more background on John Paul Jackson, here is an interview he did recently with Sid Roth.

This series of events is given in detail in his video series called ‘The Perfect Storm’ along with advice about how to be ready for these rough times.

The Perfect Storm – Part 1

The Perfect Storm – Part 2

For more about John Paul Jackson and to see his resources, visit John Paul Jackson’s website.

Update:  Sadly, John Paul Jackson passed away on February 18th, 2015.  His legacy lives on through Streams Ministry, the ministry he founded and developed, which can be found at the link above.

An Increasing Tide of Light Covering the World

Since this is my first blog entry, I would like to share my purpose in keeping this blog.

I have become very excited and encouraged to find that many people all over the world are experiencing supernatural revelations of truth.

These revelations come through dreams, visions, out of body experiences, near death experiences, miraculous healings, supernatural signs, angelic visitations, and many other ways.

The purpose of this blog is to share these revelations of truth with anyone interested.

I believe the frequency of such confrontations with the supernatural world will only increase in the days ahead.

The ancient prophet Habakkuk once received a message from God that I believe will come to pass soon: ‘The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.’

More and more people will experience supernatural truths and know God’s glory until this rising tide of light covers the entire earth. That is why this blog is called ‘The Rising Light’

Okay, the introduction is over. Next, you will see me post stories and experiences that will stun you. Stay tuned.