Tag Archives: Dreams

Why We Dream and What Our Dreams Mean

God’s word says ‘be still and know that I am God’. Anyone who knows about hearing God’s voice will tell you that the best way to hear from God is to be still.

One time when we are the most quiet and receptive to hearing God’s voice is when we are sleeping. Does God speak to you while you sleep?

He probably speaks to you through and in your dreams. You may not even realize that your dreams are messages from heaven. You have been told by the world that dreams aren’t important. How many times were you told as a child, ‘Oh, it’s just a dream. Don’t worry about it.’

When I was young I was warned that I should try not to remember my dreams because then I would have to dream the same dream all over again. Now it is difficult for me to remember my dreams. But I am slowly regaining my ability to recall dreams by paying attention to them and writing them down.

It is as I write them down that the meaning of the dream comes to me. Until I write the dream down it is just a foggy, blurry, confusing and insignificant thing to me. Only the dreams that I write down become important to me. That’s when I can see that God is talking to me in my dreams.

Today, I would like to share with you a video from John Paul Jackson who is a great teacher on how to interpret dreams. I’m sure you will find this video very fascinating and helpful.

Dreams and Visions Part 1 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 2 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 3 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 4 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 5 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 6 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 7 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 8 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 9 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 10 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 11 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 12 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 13 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 14 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 15 of 15

You can take a look at John Paul Jackson’s resources at his website.

Check out our last post when we featured John Paul Jackson’s prophetic words for America’s future.

‘The Perfect Storm’ is Coming to America

John Paul Jackson is a man who has received dreams from God all his life. His dreams sometimes reveal the future to him.

Now he has a special message to Christians in America about the next ten years which have already begun.

It has been revealed to John Paul that a number of negative factors will combine to make the next number of years a particularly rough time for the United States.

To give you more background on John Paul Jackson, here is an interview he did recently with Sid Roth.

This series of events is given in detail in his video series called ‘The Perfect Storm’ along with advice about how to be ready for these rough times.

The Perfect Storm – Part 1

The Perfect Storm – Part 2

For more about John Paul Jackson and to see his resources, visit John Paul Jackson’s website.

Update:  Sadly, John Paul Jackson passed away on February 18th, 2015.  His legacy lives on through Streams Ministry, the ministry he founded and developed, which can be found at the link above.