Category Archives: Demons

Restoring the Ministry of Deliverance to the Church by Jake Kail


“And He went into their synagogues throughout all Galilee, preaching and casting out the demons.” (Mark 1:39 NASB)

You don’t have to dig very deep into the New Testament to discover that casting out demons was a normal practice for both Jesus and His followers. The above verse puts deliverance side-by-side with preaching. Think about that: It was as common for Jesus to cast out a demon as it was for Him to preach a sermon.

In stark contrast, you often have to search far and wide to find Christians, churches, or ministries that believe in and actively practice the ministry of deliverance. Even many churches or ministries that affirm the reality of evil spirits and how they can influence people, often do not openly teach about or minister in this area. Why is this the case?

Removing the Obstacles

There is a great need to restore the ministry of deliverance to the church today. If Jesus spent such a great deal of time and energy freeing people from demons, why does it seem so uncommon in much of the church today? If it was basic training for the disciples of Jesus, why is it so rarely talked about and practiced in modern Christianity?

I have found that the need for deliverance is much greater than many people suspect. But there are some roadblocks that keep us from recognizing this need or actively engaging in casting out evil spirits. In my book Keys for Deliverance, I outlined three obstacles that must be removed in order to see deliverance restored to the church.

1. Ignorance

The Bible says that God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (see Hosea 4:6). This is certainly true when it comes to the reality of demonic influence and the need for deliverance. Many believers have simply never received any solid teaching in this area. Time and time again I hear people say that they have never heard the topic of evil spirits or deliverance taught in their church. At the same time, people have been exposed to extreme and disturbing Hollywood portrayals. And on top of that, some ministers practice bizarre and unbiblical methods in the name of deliverance. This all leads to much confusion, misunderstanding, and ignorance in the area of deliverance from demons.

In 2 Corinthians 2:11 the apostle Paul says, “…lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his de-vices.” We are not to be obsessed with learning about the kingdom of darkness; our primary aim should be knowing God and walking with Him. But neither are we to be unaware of the devil and his workings in the world. The point is clear: if we are ignorant of Satan’s devices, he will take advantage of us.

Proverbs 11:9 says that “through knowledge the righteous will be delivered” (emphasis added). Many people remain under demonic influence, captive in certain areas of their lives, simply because they do not realize the truth that what they are dealing with has a spiritual root or element to it. They have simply never learned about demons and deliverance and how understanding these realities is relevant to their lives. And especially in the Western culture, there tends to be a worldview that denies spiritual

realities, only looking at things from a logical, medical, or scientific perspective. While certainly not all problems are demonic in nature, in many cases there is a need for deliverance that must be discerned and dealt with.

2. Fear

On the opposite side of ignorance is fear. For some, the topic of demons and deliverance conjures up nightmarish images. We might think of horror movies, ghosts, wild demonic possession, or other frightful scenarios. It seems easier to put our heads in the sand than face the reality of an active kingdom of darkness and evil spirits that need to be driven out. Or, fear of the spiritual realm can push some people not to ignore the demonic, but to become overly obsessed with it. Instead of making Jesus the primary focus, we can take on a paranoia about evil spirits and give them too much attention and power. This fear of evil spirits comes from the kingdom of darkness itself, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).

We need to take on a healthy and balanced approach to spiritual warfare and deliverance, where we are aware but not afraid. We must not be ignorant of the works of the enemy and our need to destroy them, but we must keep intimacy with God as the highest priority. We must be open and ready to receive deliverance, and equipped to minister it to others, without allowing it to make us paranoid or afraid. This is not always an easy balance to walk in, but with the help of the Holy Spirit and instruction of the Scriptures we can maintain it.

James 4:7-8 gives us some great wisdom in this regard: “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” Notice that two out of the three commands are God-focused while one is focused on resisting the devil. That is a good ratio. We focus on submitting to God, drawing near to Him in relationship, and fulfilling our purpose in His kingdom; all the while ready to resist the devil so that he will flee. And notice it does not say “ignore the devil and he will flee” but “resist the devil and he will flee.” There is a responsibility to take an active stand against the devil and his demons.

3. Stigma

Another obstacle to seeing the ministry of deliverance fully restored and active in the church is that there is often an unnecessary stigma associated with it. Because of misunderstanding and fear, the thought of needing deliverance from an evil spirit sounds alarming, embarrassing, or shameful. And if you come from a background that inclines toward skepticism and resistance to anything supernatural, the concept of deliverance from demons can easily be seen as primitive, foolish, or superstitious. Without proper understanding, to suggest that a person might need to be set free from the influence of an evil spirit seems insulting or downright crazy!

But this stigma need not be the case. In the New Testament, deliverance from evil spirits was practiced and spoken about openly and plainly. Consider Luke 8:2: “and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities—Mary called Magdalene, out of whom had come seven demons.” Notice first that being freed from evil spirits is paired side-by-side with being healed of infirmities. This is often the case in the New Testament (see for example Matthew 8:16-17, Luke 6:17-19, and Acts 5:16). There is no need to be ashamed if you need healing from the flu, the common cold, cancer, or some other disease. In the same way, there is no shame in needing deliverance from evil spirits. Mary Magdalene was

identified as someone “out of whom had come seven demons.” This was spoken of matter-of-factly, and not something that needed to be kept secret or hidden.

Needing deliverance from evil spirits is much more common than you might suspect. And it does not make you an evil person to need freedom from the torment or oppression of a demon. Jesus ministered deliverance to everyday, synagogue-attending Jews like a man in Mark chapter one and like the woman He called a “daughter of Abraham” in Luke 13:10-17. Even children needed to be delivered from evil spirits (see Mark 7:24-30 and Mark 9:14-29). There is no need to be ashamed if you need deliverance.

Let’s remove the ignorance, fear, and stigma that is often associated with the topic of deliverance from demons. As we do this, we will pave the way for many more captives to be set free!

About Jake Kail:

Jake Kail was called to ministry in college after a life-changing encounter with God. He is the author of multiple books, and he speaks at churches, conferences, retreats, and other events. His ministry is often marked by encounters with God, healing, and deliverance from demonic oppression. Jake lives with his wife and family in Lancaster, PA where he serves as the lead pastor of Threshold Church. Check out his books, blog, and podcast at


The Truth about Religious Spirits and How to Deal with Them

It is commonly believed that religious spirits are demons that promote the following characteristics in people: Judgementalism, Sel-Righteousness, Criticism of Others, Legalism, Divisiveness, Being Argumentative, Condemning of Others, and Intolerance of Differences. The favorite pastimes for afflicted individuals are Witch Hunts, Witch Burnings, and — when no witches can be found — Making Witches.

Monty Python witch hunt mob
Monty Python witch hunt mob

People who have discovered the amazing grace and unconditional love of God find the above attitudes to be very disturbing. One of my friends became so frustrated with these attitudes that he posted in exasperation:


If you are a Christian who finds yourself bothered by the judgmentalism and divisiveness of religious spirits, then you’ll want to read on. Here are some thoughts that may be helpful to you.

The Grace-Centered, Free Christian

You likely find judgmentalism, divisiveness, and anti-grace messages to be so repulsive because you have found the freedom that is found in Christ. You have discovered God’s unconditional and wonderful love and you have found out that nothing matters except Christ and your relationship to him. It is only in and through Christ that you have perfect relationship with God. There is nothing you can add to it or take from it. You know that all your righteous practices are like filthy rags. You know that it is Christ alone who makes you righteous.

Moreover, you have discovered just how completely righteous and holy and godly Christ has made you. You have discovered your sonship, your priesthood, that you are a co-heir with Christ and that you have the Holy Trinity in all their glory and power filling you and surrounding you. All of this gives you incredible freedom, joy, life, peace, and love – you have taken on the character of Christ and the fruit of the Holy Spirit is exhibited in your life: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control.

Like a man freed from years of slavery, you absolutely hate and despise the chains that used to bind you and still bind much of your universal family. You know that those chains have no power for anyone who receives the freedom and life that God offers them through Christ Jesus so it pains you to see your family members continuing to be held back by relatively powerless chains. You want them free and cannot understand why they don’t call out to God and shake loose from the chains.


You are like the Apostle Paul in Galatians exasperated to see people who should be living as free men still living like slaves to rules of dos and dont’s–touch and don’t touch, associate and don’t associate, eat this and don’t eat that.

The Root of the Religious Mindset

People bound to religious rules of dos and don’ts are relying on their rules to connect to God. They only feel made worthy to be connected to God BY spending X number of hours praying and reading the Bible, BY going to church service, BY wearing the right clothes, BY confessing the proper doctrines with their mouths, BY doing the right charitable acts, BY tithing X dollars, BY so many things instead of BY CHRIST ALONE.

Moreover, these people continuously strive to maintain or achieve a connection with God BY condemning other people who have different ways of living their lives and different ways of connecting to God.

The very nature of the religious mindset you are finding troublesome is that these people have to believe that they have THE RIGHT beliefs and practices that ensure connection with God.

To prop up their belief that they have THE RIGHT beliefs and practices, they must insulate themselves from those with different beliefs and practices who are equally confident that they have THE RIGHT beliefs and practices connecting them to God. When they encounter someone with a different set of beliefs and practices who also claims to have a connection with God, they feel compelled to tear down the one who is different until that person also accepts what they consider to be THE RIGHT set of beliefs and practices. Their confidence is in their unique set of beliefs and practices and when others claim to be achieving the same goal with a different set of beliefs and practices it creates a conflict in their mind and brings out insecurities and they feel that they must resolve the difference by either coming into agreement on what THE RIGHT beliefs and practices are or to decide that one of the two parties has not actually received God’s approval and is to be condemned.

The Nature of the Religious Mindset

The religious, rule-oriented mindset is what you are confronting when you encounter a person who is divisive and judgmental in the religious realm. When you encounter someone saying that such and such is required to be godly, you naturally want to say NO IT ISN’T because your confidence is that it is Christ who connects us to God not any righteous acts of our own, which you know to be filthy rags in God’s sight. You put your confidence in Christ in you for salvation – not outward things like religious duties kept and right practices and rightly expressed words.

But when you suggest that there may be another way, the person caught in a religious mindset instantly becomes defensive. They feel that they must protect their set of right beliefs and practices and connection with God by condemning yours or condemning your relationship with God.

You tried to help them but then you just end up butting heads and feelings are hurt and no one is really helped.

You are fighting against a human mindset – the mindset of people who have been bound and blinded by the foolish doctrines and principles of this world.

I wish it was as easy as just casting the demons out. But it is a mindset problem and there is much human will and control there. Demons certainly promote the ideas that result in these mindsets, but the mindsets themselves are rooted in the mind, not in demons. If it was as easy as casting out demons, then Jesus could have changed the mindsets of all the Pharisees and Sadducees with one command. But most of them never changed and their confrontation with the freeing message of Christ only resulted in them hardening their hearts and becoming more and more offended, insulting, and murderous until Jesus and many of his followers – even to this day – were and still are being hung on a cross by offended religious people.

Christ Confronts the Religious Mindset

The Pharisees and Sadducees worked to have Jesus Christ crucified because Jesus was a threat to their religious rules and their religious mindsets. Jesus was constantly making People and Love a priority over Rules and Regulations. When Jesus saw religious rules that were not helpful in particular situations, he dismissed the rules and helped the people. His priority was always people and individual needs. Picking grain on the Sabbath, healing on the Sabbath, coming in contact with a leper and woman with issues of blood, rescuing a woman from her penalty of being stoned to death for adultery are some examples of Jesus’s priority of people coming in conflict with the religious folks’ priority of rule keeping.

In Matthew 23 we can read a sermon by Jesus in which he calls out the Pharisees and Sadducees on their messed up priority of putting rules above people.

Why did Jesus confront the Pharisees and Sadducees, anyway?

Was it to change them?

I don’t think so. Jesus knew better.

It was because those religious leaders were the guards to the chains, so to speak. They were enforcing and promoting the religious do-this-and-don’t-do-that-to-be-loved-by-God mindset among the people at large.

By confronting the religious leaders, Jesus revealed to the general public the foolishness of the religious rule-oriented mindset and revealed to people the true loving heart of God the Father. Many people were set free in this way.

How to Deal with the Religious Mindset

If you are intent on changing those committed to the religious mindset, you are likely to wear yourself out and your joy in the Lord will likely be overshadowed by the constant discussions and debates you will be having.

To anyone willing to receive freedom, reveal to them the unconditional love and grace and blessing of God available to all of us – not because of our right set of beliefs and practices but because of Jesus Christ in whom alone we put our confidence.

It is the message of unconditional love of Father God that is most likely to undermine the religious performance oriented mindset – but it must be done in a way of sharing and revealing God’s love for the individual, not engaging in debate with them.

Trying to prove your point will only put them into a defensive posture and wear you out and put you in a position of being subjected to their attacks.

Share God’s love and freedom and blessing in Christ to all who are willing to hear it. Toss the seed on the ground and leave it to God as to which seed will sprout on good receptive ground and which will not.

The Heavens Opened – Anna Rountree’s heavenly visions shared in detail

Many have been deeply blessed by the detailed accounts of Anna Rountree’s visits to heaven. She has been taken up into heavenly encounters and experiences hundreds of times and has documented these visits in her books, which you can listen to here.

The Heavens Opened

The Priestly Bride


Sid Roth’s 1 hour interview with Anna Rountree

Her two books The Heavens Opened and The Priestly Bride have been combined into one new book, Heaven Awaits the Bride,  that would make a wonderful, life-changing gift for someone in your family, at work, or someone else you wish would get a vision of how wonderful heaven and God are. The book also includes a study guide that shows how Anna Rountree’s visions are consistent with Christian scriptures.

Heaven Awaits the Bride


Eye Witness Account of Heaven – Kat Kerr Revealing Heaven

Kat Kerr has been taken on visits to heaven on a daily basis for many years now. She has written a series of books giving detailed descriptions of what she has seen and experienced. For those of us who have not been to heaven yet she is our eyes into this wonderful spiritual world.  The video below is a few hours long but is a detailed sermon on her experiences.  Be blessed as you listen!

Below that is a link to the first of her books.



You can learn more at Kat Kerr’s Website

Journey Into the Spirit Realm and Going Before the Throne of God – Howard Pittman’s Near-Death Experience (1979)

On August 3, 1979, Rev. Howard Pittman, realizing that he was about to die, prayed that he would be permitted the privilege of going before the throne of God to ask for an extension on his life.

He was granted this privilege and much about the nature of demons, God, as well as the condition and future of humanity was revealed to him during his journey through the spirit realm.

The following is a reading of Howard Pittman’s NDE Testimony as Recorded in Placebo (YouTube):


Brazen Faith that Raises the Dead and Cures Every Disease — Four DVD’s Posted!

In a world filled with unbelief and sharing a common experience marked by disease, suffering, depression, confusion, and death, there are some unique people who see healing, peace, joy, clarity, and life spring up every place they set foot. The distinguishing mark of these people is brazen, stubborn, unrelenting belief in the word of God.

One of these believers might read a scripture regarding Jesus Christ such as 1 Peter 2:24 that says “by his wounds you have been healed” and take those words literally. He would believe that Jesus’ wounds have secured our healing from any disease.

Another person would say, “no, no, that refers only to our spiritual healing.”

Why do they say that? Was Jesus merely spiritually wounded? No!

So, why would someone say that the healing is only spiritual?

There are two reasons:

First, the person cannot believe that all the suffering and disease in their world is unnecessary. They can’t accept that their suffering could go away if only they would put their faith in Christ’s suffering and being wounded on their behalf to bring them peace and healing.

Another reason that so many people try to spiritualize everything is because spiritual things are invisible and cannot be proven false. In essence, they are trying to protect God from being proved incompetent. No one can prove that someone is not spiritually healed. But anyone can prove whether someone is physically healed or not. People who are not sure if God is able to keep his promises want to let Him off the hook by making sure that He is only held accountable for what happens in the invisible, untestable, spiritual realm.

The person who is filled with BELIEF will experience life and see results much different than the common experience of those who tend to doubt the word of God and try to twist the word of God to fit their own experience in the world of unbelief.

We have churches full of Christians who are convinced of the truth of the Gospel (Jesus Christ’s and the apostles’ message of good news) but not converted by the Gospel. What I mean is that they will agree that it makes sense and that the evidence is strong. But they will not allow the Gospel to absolutely and completely and irreversibly transform them. They want to maintain the safe place of standing aloof from the Gospel and making judgment on it and the right to change their minds about it anytime a new doubt presents itself.

To throw your lot in with the Gospel… To fully give your life over to the Gospel… To open yourself to allow the Gospel to entirely change your life… THAT is too much for many people to commit themselves to. Full acceptance of the Gospel brings responsibility for exercising dominion over disease, demons, and death. Full acceptance means allowing the wind of the Spirit to blow you wherever it pleases — perhaps away from your nice pretty home, perhaps away from your comfy career, perhaps away from your lifestyle.

Only a small number of American Christians are brave enough to allow the Gospel to actually convert them — to irrevocably and entirely CHANGE them.

Today, I want to feature the testimony and teaching of one such brave Christian who gave himself over to the powerful Gospel of Jesus Christ. Did the Gospel change him? Did the Gospel take him away from the comforts he was accustomed to? Did the Gospel force him to take on responsibilities most people would like to shrink away from? Did the Gospel put him in situations where impossible things had to happen for not only his success but also the survival of him and his family?

Yes. That all happened when he let the Gospel CONVERT him. But more importly, let us ask: Did the Gospel live up to all its promises? Did the Gospel let him down? — isn’t that what the Convinced-but-Not-Converted-Christians are afraid of?

Let me assure you that the Gospel has never let him down. He has seen demons conquered, diseases vanquished and death overcome on many, many occasions. In fact, he has personally seen over two dozen people raised from the dead! He and his family have not been destroyed and they are happier and more fulfilled than just about any other family on earth. They know what they believe and know that it is the truth and they witness the power of the Gospel every single day.

Furthermore, the people they minister to have received the message of Christ and are seeing God powerfully respond to their prayers so that they in turn have seen an additional 280+ people raised from the dead as well as many freed from physical and spiritual oppression. Their testimonies are wonderfully encouraging to anyone who wonders if there is truly power in the Gospel of Christ.

It was after watching the testimony and teaching posted below from David Hogan of Freedom Ministries that I decided to stop allowing doubts to undermine my confidence in the Gospel of Christ. I began barring doubts from my mind and treating them with the same contempt that I would treat a demon from the pit of hell. And my wife and I immediately began seeing amazing miracles. We were both teachers at the time and before we had finished watching this series of ‘Faith to Raise the Dead’ videos a healing revival had broken out among our students so that every day each of our classes began with testimonies and healings and even our co-workers received healing by the power of God, which was no longer being held back by our personal doubts and misgivings.

I hope that you also watch these videos and I pray that you would also make the choice to make a stand and completely and uncompromisingly give your mind and life over to the Powerful, Life-Giving, Death-Defying Gospel of Jesus Christ so that God’s grace of Life — and That Abundantly — would pour through you to change the world.


Faith to Raise the DeadDVD 1/4


Faith to Raise the DeadDVD 2/4


Faith to Raise the DeadDVD 3/4


Faith to Raise the DeadDVD 4/4

Furious Love – God’s Love Prevailing in Darkness

A while back, I shared video clips from a documentary featuring God’s miracles around the world: The Finger of God

Today, I want to share video clips from the follow up film, Furious Love, documenting God’s love prevailing where evil and darkness tend to be strongest. The film puts God’s love to the test and finds out just how powerful His love really is.

The entire film can be ordered on DVD or accessed and watched online.  A Deluxe Edition is available on Amazon as well.

Here are some random clips from this spectacular film. Please understand that these clips should only be considered a sampling — They do not represent the entire film and are placed in no particular order (although I tried to keep clip sets together). Also, it should be noted that the clip from the former Satanist may have come from the bonus material or even the Deluxe Edition as I don’t remember seeing this much of the interview when watching the film.


Furious Love Trailer


Furious Love Clip 1


Furious Love Clip 2


Furious Love Clip 3



I hope you found the above clip samples interesting, remember that you can watch the entire film online. If you want to get a copy of this powerful DVD you can get it via the Rising Light Bookstore.

Young boy Aldo McPherson shares a message from God after visiting heaven

A Message from GodOn June 19, 2004, a South African family had a serious car accident. The accident left their 12 year old son, Aldo McPherson, in a coma and on life support.

God did a number of miracles for Aldo and his family. God allowed Aldo to experience heaven and then asked Aldo to share a message with the world. God also taught Aldo and his family — especially his mother Retha McPherson — how to speak life and restoration over Aldo’s physical condition. In response to their obedience God began healing Aldo.

Before sharing some of the messages Aldo brought back with him from heaven and some of the lessons Retha McPherson learned, I would like to share this video documenting Aldo’s recovery process after the accident.

Aldo McPherson’s Recovery



You can also watch Retha McPherson tell her family’s story as she is interviewed on It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth (below).

Retha McPherson on It’s Supernatural

Aldo was unable to speak after his coma so he had to write when he wanted to communicate. He began writing to tell his family and the world what he had experienced in heaven and what God had been revealing to him.

His original letters were written in Afrikaans. You can see some of them and read the English translation provided under each one. Here is The Collection of Aldo McPherson’s hand-written letters from 2005 to the present.

It looks like the letters included in this collection supplement the ones already published in Aldo and Retha McPherson’s books. You can see some of these very interesting letters and read more of the story in the book A Message from God co-authored by Aldo McPherson and his mother Retha McPherson, which is available as a print book or as a digital ebook in our bookstore.

15 Year Old Girl Sees Heaven and Hell

Jennifer Perez became a Christian under the ministry of Nicky Cruz. She walked faithfully with Christ for two years. But then she went into high school and fell in with the wrong crowd. Soon she was being controlled by drugs.

One night she snuck out of her parents’ house to hang out with friends and landed in big trouble.

This is her testimony of what happened, including her visit to heaven and hell and how she was sent back again to give the world a message from God.

You can either listen to her testimony in English or puede oirte al testimonio en Espanol.

A transcript of her testimony along with audio and video options are available at Divine Revelations or you can listen to the YouTube videos below.  Puede leerla el expediente en Espanol tambien por Divine Revelations.


Jennifer Perez Testimony in English





Testimonio de Jennifer Perez en Español


Spiritual Eyes Opened… And What He Saw Terrified Him

In the last post, you met Ian McCormack who died and visited eternal places and even met God. God sent Ian back to his body saying that if Ian goes back he must see in a new light.

Now, I would like to share with you what Ian saw after his eyes were opened to the spiritual world around him.

This is an amazing testimony and I hope you find it as encouraging and empowering as I did…


Ian was given freedom by God’s power. In the testimony you just listened to, you learned how Ian learned what he was freed from and how to stay free.

The story starts with a grown man terrified of what he has seen in the dark. I wish we taught children how to protect themselves from the monsters they see in the dark. Instead, parents tell the children it’s okay and send them back to bed. The parents tell the kid, ‘See? Nothing is here’ and the kid is thinking, ‘Of course you can’t see them now that the light is on! They don’t like the light. They are probably hiding in that dark closet now.’

If parents would try teaching their children how to defend themselves from dark spiritual forces instead of saying that they don’t believe the children, maybe the children could have the confidence they need to protect themselves from the monsters.

If you have children, then please listen to the above testimonial so that you can learn how we can all protect ourselves from the monsters of the dark.