Video: Watch a Man Get Raised from Dead

A group of South Africans heard that God is doing miracles in Nigeria at the Synogogue Church of All Nations pastored by TB Joshua and they decided to check it out for themselves. So, they went to Nigeria to witness God’s power.

Unfortunately one of them, Moses Marole (76 years old), had a heart attack in the cafeteria and fell down without a pulse.

Bystanders performed CPR but to no avail. It was about 45 minutes before the pastor of the church prayed for Moses and he came back to life.

For more details of the story, see this South African news report:  Prophet Revives Dead Man

Bystander and church cameras caught the whole thing on video and the church’s television program shared footage of the CPR attempts, the pastor praying for the dead man, and interview with the man brought back to life.

I hope your spirit is encouraged as you watch this video and witness the power, love, and mercy of God.

Why We Dream and What Our Dreams Mean

God’s word says ‘be still and know that I am God’. Anyone who knows about hearing God’s voice will tell you that the best way to hear from God is to be still.

One time when we are the most quiet and receptive to hearing God’s voice is when we are sleeping. Does God speak to you while you sleep?

He probably speaks to you through and in your dreams. You may not even realize that your dreams are messages from heaven. You have been told by the world that dreams aren’t important. How many times were you told as a child, ‘Oh, it’s just a dream. Don’t worry about it.’

When I was young I was warned that I should try not to remember my dreams because then I would have to dream the same dream all over again. Now it is difficult for me to remember my dreams. But I am slowly regaining my ability to recall dreams by paying attention to them and writing them down.

It is as I write them down that the meaning of the dream comes to me. Until I write the dream down it is just a foggy, blurry, confusing and insignificant thing to me. Only the dreams that I write down become important to me. That’s when I can see that God is talking to me in my dreams.

Today, I would like to share with you a video from John Paul Jackson who is a great teacher on how to interpret dreams. I’m sure you will find this video very fascinating and helpful.

Dreams and Visions Part 1 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 2 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 3 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 4 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 5 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 6 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 7 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 8 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 9 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 10 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 11 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 12 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 13 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 14 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 15 of 15

You can take a look at John Paul Jackson’s resources at his website.

Check out our last post when we featured John Paul Jackson’s prophetic words for America’s future.