Category Archives: Revelation

Plane Crashes, Man Burns, Enters Glory – The Falling to Heaven Testimony

Now, with modern medicine’s improved resuscitation techniques, we have many near death experience stories. But today, I want to share an NDE that occured over 40 years ago.

I recently came across the amazing testimony of a sky diver named Mickey Robinson. Back in August 15, 1968 tragedy hit. The airplane was making a sharp ascent when the engines stopped and the plane crash landed. The pilot was burned alive.

Most of the sky divers were able to get out of the plane without much damage. But Mickey was stuck in the plane because his harness was caught on something. By the time he was rescued, he was severely burned over 35% of his body. He would spend 167 consecutive days in the hospital and go through years of hospital treatment and endure over 50 surgeries.

At one point, the hospital called his sister and said if you want to see your brother, you better see him this morning because he may not be here this afternoon. It was that day, that Mickey’s spirit left his body and he experienced eternity.

I have found three videos where he shares aspects of his near death experience. The first one I saw was this recent interview with Patricia King through my iTunes subscription to Extreme Prophetic Television. However, I notice that the video is not playing correctly on her website (at least on my computer). I hope it plays for you because it is a great interview and the main reason I got interested in Mickey Robinson’s testimony. I recommend subscribing to the iTunes Extreme Prophetic Television podcast and watching the interview posted February 28, 2010.

Or you can watch this Sid Roth interview done 3 years ago. This is also a great interview because, in addition to his near death experience, Mickey shares how his blind eye was restored and how God healed him of damage that was considered incurable by the medical community. And then there is another surprising miracle healing that Mickey reveals in this video — but I don’t want to ruin the surprise…

Both of those interviews are a summary of his near death experience and won’t take much time to watch.



If you would like Mickey Robinson’s book telling his story, check out his book ‘Falling Into Heaven‘.

You Can Hear God – Using a Prayer Journal to Hear God’s Voice

There are many ways to hear God’s voice. One of my favorites is by journaling because it makes it so easy to hear what God is saying and at the end of your time journaling you will have a record of what God said to you.

I learned this technique for hearing what God is saying from Mark Virkler’s article: You Can Hear God’s Voice!

Mark Virkler was praying to learn how he could hear God’s voice. In fact, he even took a year off from his pastoral duties to focus on learning how to hear from God. During that year, Jesus finally came to him one night and woke him up with an audible voice and gave him four keys to effectively hearing God’s voice. You can learn more about Mark’s testimony by listening to him sharing his testimony and an introduction to hearing God’s voice or listen to radio and television interviews.

A brief summary of what Mark Virkler shares in his article is that hearing God’s voice can be easy if you follow four keys:

  1. Know what God’s voice sounds like
  2. Become still with a worshipful attitude
  3. Fix the eyes of your heart on Jesus
  4. Journal in faith

I would like to offer a few thoughts on the above points to help you get started. These thoughts are not meant to replace Mark Virkler’s article that got me started in hearing God’s voice through journaling. Instead, the following thoughts are meant to provide supplemental guidance. So you might want to read Mark’s article first and then read what I have to add.

Know what God’s voice sounds like

God can speak in different ways at different times to different people. A lot of people assume God would speak in an audible voice. He certainly can and does do that. But don’t assume that He will always speak that way to you.

In fact, if you consider that the eardrum receives vibration waves carried by the air and delivers a message to the mind, you have to wonder why almighty God would go to the trouble of sending his message through the air and then through the ear and finally into the mind when he can simply speak directly to your mind.

In my case, he normally takes the shortcut straight to my mind. My ear does not hear God’s voice. But my mind does receive God’s message. So, God’s words appear inside my mind like thoughts. These are the thoughts of God. In fact, the way I receive God’s thoughts can be compared to the concept of telepathy, which is the transfer of thoughts between individuals by means other than the five senses

So, when I receive a message from God, it comes as a thought quietly placed into my mind. Why do I say “quietly”? Because there isn’t the energy of my mind’s wheels behind that thought since my mind did not generate that thought. That is why people talk about the “still, small voice of God.” God’s thought quietly appears in my mind and I write it down and a new thought from God takes its place.

Become still with a worshipful attitude

To hear God, you will need to cut out the noise and activity. Don’t expect to hear from God while the TV is blaring and you are rushing to get dinner on the table. God is best heard when you find a quiet, restful place and focus your heart on the adoration of God.

I always start my journaling time with praise and worship because this helps me tune into God’s voice. If God’s voice stops flowing into my mind, then I return to worship and then I begin hearing him again.

One time while I was journaling, I wrote to God this prayer: “I desire to know you more and hear your voice better. Please guide me and show me the path step by step.”

In response, God spoke to me about the importance of being still to know him. Here is what God said to me:

You are my beloved son. I guide you and make you whole. Pursue me and know me. I am like the wind. I am always with you, always moving, always surrounding you. To know the wind you don’t chase it, do you? Don’t you open your arms and let the moving wind flow through you? You are still and let your senses be sensitive and experience the movement, force, and sound of the wind. So to know me, open your heart, be still, be attentive and become familiar with my movement, my energy, and my sound. I am your God. Always moving. Always coming. Always going. Always with you. You have seen me moving just as you have seen the leaves moved by the wind. But take your attention from the trees to feel me moving through and around you. Be the tree and know me.

Fix the eyes of your heart on Jesus

To truly hear God, you should focus on Jesus. Jesus is our open door to heaven. Through him we have unlimited access to God — including direct communication with God.

You will hear what you focus on. If you focus on your mind, you will hear your thoughts. If you focus on your problems, you will hear your worries. If you focus on your desires, you will hear your wishes. If you focus on Jesus, you will hear God.

One great way to focus on Jesus is to use your imagination to picture him and you in a scene you are comfortable with. For instance, you might imagine yourself sitting in a garden with Jesus sitting on a rock by you having a chat with you.

Journal in faith

What makes journaling such an effective way of hearing God is that it allows you to put aside your analytical thinking for awhile and just have an attitude of faith while whole-heartedly listening to God.

We hear God by faith. As Mark Virkler points out in his article, it is very important to put aside any doubts while you are in the process of listening to God’s voice. Just write. Don’t think. journalingWhen you are finished writing down your conversation with God, then you can go back and examine what you heard and see if it is from God — but try not to enter this analytical process of judgment until you are finished hearing from God.

When you put these four keys to hearing God’s voice together, you will find that hearing from God comes easily to you. It is recommended that you share what God tells you with a couple of your spiritual mentors who can help you confirm whether what you heard is really from God or not.

The first time I tried journaling as a way to hear God’s voice, I wasn’t sure if it would work. But I put all my doubts and questions aside and just tried it and the results were amazing.

Here is an excerpt from my very first conversation with God through a prayer journal (“T” is me and “G” is God):

T- Good morning God

G- Good morning my son. How are you today?

T- I’m fine. I’m happy to hear you!

G- I am always with you – to the end of the age and in the age to come.

T- Thank you for being with me. Are you happy with me?

G- You are my pride and joy. I am your Father and treasure all of my children.

T- How can I be a better son?

G- You must seek my face. Your heart is mine. I want to know you.

T- I want to know you too! Will you reveal yourself to me?

G- It is my pleasure to reveal myself to you. You are my son. I desire to show myself to my children.

T- Thank you God. I want to know you. Thank you for speaking with me. What would you like to say to me now?

G- My son, I want to tell you many things. Come to me and I will always be happy to talk with you. You are my treasure.

Since that first journaled conversation, I have had many amazing conversations with God. He has revealed my destiny. He has provided guidance for my future. He has taught me spiritual truths. He has shared his heart with me. It is always a very fulfilling way to spend my devotional time.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

You might also like to check out Mark Virkler’s books ‘How to Hear God’s Voice‘ and ‘4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice‘.



Sid Roth – It’s Supernatural!

I love Sid Roth. He is a beautiful Jewish man who hosts a TV show and a radio show that features supernatural stories from people moving in spiritual power.

Nearly every weekend, you can find me watching his show having my faith being built up.

Today, I am just going to share a couple TV episodes with you as well as a set of radio broadcasts. My hope is that this taste of his programs will get you excited about what is possible when our spirits connect with God and that you will become aware of Sid Roth’s work.

First, I want to share a TV episode (about 20-30 minutes long I think) featuring a young woman named Jennifer Toledo who was called by God to go on an adventure that would be utterly life changing.

Jennifer Toledo’s interview with Sid Roth

Another amazing young woman who visits with Sid Roth is Evangeline Weiner. She grew up with a family of supernatural healers and has many amazing stories of God’s power to heal.

Evangeline Weiner’s interview with Sid Roth

Do you have a supernatural story to share? Why don’t you tell us about it by commenting below?

Stories of Supernatural Healing and Restoration from the IHOPU Student Awakening

Lives continue to be transformed by the power of God flowing through the student body at IHOPU.

Bodies are being healed. Hearts are being mended. Spirits are being transformed!

Amazing testimonies of people getting free are pouring in from all over the world as people get on the internet, watch the awakening meetings, and tune into the Holy Spirit.

You can also see amazing stories from students at the awakening meetings by watching the stories recorded live at the meetings. (on the gray bar, click on ‘testimonies’)

I have been watching these testimonies and want to share just a few here to wet your appetite to watch more of these stories or, better yet, tune into these awakening meetings to have an experience of your own!


This first testimony is just one of many testimonies of God healing his children of physical problems–listen as Christina shares on how God touched her body and healed scoliosis that afflicted her for 29 years.

Christina’s Testimony


Here is a wonderful experience of how a young woman was freed from shame that she learned as a result of being abused sexually and raped as a child, and then from the resulting addiction to sexual encounters. Freedom from shame has been a common experience as these students encounter the love of God.

Summer’s Testimony


Here are two students who are being freed from addictions to cigarettes, drugs, media, pornography and all kinds of other substitutes for the love of God.

Luke’s Testimony


Monty’s Testimony


The experiences happening at IHOPU are not contained to the students who go to the school.  Visitors are coming and getting touched by the power of God.  God is interested in doing things that transcend our understanding of what is possible.  This young woman, Jamison, got healed after hearing of someone else’s testimony of healing.  Watch and let your faith rise!

Jamison’s Testimony


People have gotten healed over the webstream!  Listen to Bobbi’s story of healing–both in the past and present!

Bobbi’s Testimony


The experiences these students are having are not at all contained to these meetings. Students are going home and seeing their families transformed by God’s love and healing power. They are going about their daily business and seeing God leap onto their friends and even strangers to transform those people’s hearts and lives. Here is a great story about a guy who went into Walgreen’s to buy some ice cream and ended up seeing four strangers have a supernatural encounter with God’s life-transforming love and power!

Neil’s Testimony



One of the most common and powerful healings God is doing is healing people from self-hatred.  Watch the following two testimonies of people who have gotten healed from self-hatred–one even got physically healed as well!

Jennifer’s Testimony



God is not content to live at a distance from his children. People have put up an imaginary line across the sky and have thought that God should be confined in the heavens. But he will not be confined. Especially when a generation of young people are no longer content to have mere theoretical ideas about God. We are a generation of people who want the real deal. We want to experience him, know him, and love him. God has heard his children’s heart-cries. He is responding in a big way. He doesn’t want to live only in heaven. He wants to live in our hearts!

IHOPU Student Awakening – God’s Spirit Healing Hearts & Setting People Free

What happens when God invades a student campus and totally displaces the theology professors’ lesson plans and the students start actually experiencing the healing power of Gods love?

Hearts are healed and minds are set free from stuffy religious philosophy! In short, lives are changed forever.

Wes Hall was a practicing lawyer before he started teaching at IHOPU (International House of Prayer University). On November 11, 2009 in a 9am freshman class, Wes was surprised to find that instead of a bunch of sleepy students he had a class full of students having heart to heart encounters with the living God. Physical and emotional healings were taking place and the students were responding to God’s amazing love and healing with tears and joyful laughter.

Being a man of God, Wes realized he needed to cautiously allow God to be sovereign in his class.

“Once a lawyer, always a lawyer” Wes interviewed his students one at a time later to find out if they were from the kinds of church backgrounds that were given to emotionalism and shaking and so forth. He was surprised to find out that his students had never experienced this kind of emotional encounter with God before and some of them had even made fun of people who shake and laugh during church services thinking that only “flaky” people do that kind of thing. He became convinced from the student’s testimonies and the evidence of the physical healings that this was truly a move of God and that he should stay out of God’s way.

The students and their teacher had experienced the living God and their lives would be changed forever.

But the story doesn’t end there!

When other teachers found out that God was doing a special work in Wes Hall’s class, they joined their classes with his class so that their students could also experience the love and power of God.

Soon the whole campus was experiencing a Holy Spirit led awakening. The students have received all kinds of wonderful healings and their eyes have been opened to the wonderful grace of God.

The students began holding special prayer and worship meetings that continue to this day. These meetings are focused on enjoying the manifest presence of God. Each week these meetings are posted on their website and you can even watch a live webcast of the meetings if you tune in at the right time. As you scroll down at the above link, you will see that student testimonies of healing are also available to view.

Many people have also experienced the real power of God just by tuning into these online webcasts and focusing their hearts on Jesus. Those tuning in have had their hearing restored, been freed from depression, delivered from lung cancer and many other healings.

I have been watching these webcasts to aid my personal devotional time and it has been absolutely wonderful soaking in the living presence of our Lord.

Here is a brief summary of how the student awakening began as told by Wes Hall. You can see in the video how this once very dignified lawyer has been affected by the reality of God’s presence flooding into him. He makes reference to Ezekiel 47 where the prophet experiences a trickle becoming a stream and finally a full blown river of life going into the sea.

Wes Hall Tells How the Awakening Began


You can catch a longer documentation of this revival-move of God titled “Story of the IHOPU Student Awakening“.



Experiencing the Power of Jesus’ Love – Miracle Healings and More Out on the Streets

Todd White’s life has been transformed by the love and power of Jesus Christ. The love of God overflows the heart of Todd and people who are around him are transformed by the miraculous love of Jesus.

Todd doesn’t think that God is just for the church-goers. He remembers that Jesus taught that the good shepherd will leave the 99 sheep in the pen (the church) to go out and find that one lost sheep wandering in the wilderness.

So, Todd walks the streets of urban centers and as he walks he watches and listens. He watches for anyone who needs healing – whether physical or spiritual. He also listens to the Spirit of God who tells him the needs of the people around him. Each of these people come into an amazing encounter with the powerful love of God.

I have already posted some videos of Todd out on the streets listening to people’s hurts and sharing the healing power of God’s love with them and the videos show people being miraculously healed by God’s power.

Today I am posting some new videos that I have uncovered of God’s love and power overflowing from Todd’s life.

I hope you are as blessed as I was when I watched these videos documenting the miraculous power of God’s love touching people.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

Video 6

15 Year Old Girl Sees Heaven and Hell

Jennifer Perez became a Christian under the ministry of Nicky Cruz. She walked faithfully with Christ for two years. But then she went into high school and fell in with the wrong crowd. Soon she was being controlled by drugs.

One night she snuck out of her parents’ house to hang out with friends and landed in big trouble.

This is her testimony of what happened, including her visit to heaven and hell and how she was sent back again to give the world a message from God.

You can either listen to her testimony in English or puede oirte al testimonio en Espanol.

A transcript of her testimony along with audio and video options are available at Divine Revelations or you can listen to the YouTube videos below.  Puede leerla el expediente en Espanol tambien por Divine Revelations.


Jennifer Perez Testimony in English





Testimonio de Jennifer Perez en Español


Why We Dream and What Our Dreams Mean

God’s word says ‘be still and know that I am God’. Anyone who knows about hearing God’s voice will tell you that the best way to hear from God is to be still.

One time when we are the most quiet and receptive to hearing God’s voice is when we are sleeping. Does God speak to you while you sleep?

He probably speaks to you through and in your dreams. You may not even realize that your dreams are messages from heaven. You have been told by the world that dreams aren’t important. How many times were you told as a child, ‘Oh, it’s just a dream. Don’t worry about it.’

When I was young I was warned that I should try not to remember my dreams because then I would have to dream the same dream all over again. Now it is difficult for me to remember my dreams. But I am slowly regaining my ability to recall dreams by paying attention to them and writing them down.

It is as I write them down that the meaning of the dream comes to me. Until I write the dream down it is just a foggy, blurry, confusing and insignificant thing to me. Only the dreams that I write down become important to me. That’s when I can see that God is talking to me in my dreams.

Today, I would like to share with you a video from John Paul Jackson who is a great teacher on how to interpret dreams. I’m sure you will find this video very fascinating and helpful.

Dreams and Visions Part 1 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 2 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 3 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 4 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 5 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 6 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 7 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 8 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 9 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 10 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 11 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 12 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 13 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 14 of 15

Dreams and Visions Part 15 of 15

You can take a look at John Paul Jackson’s resources at his website.

Check out our last post when we featured John Paul Jackson’s prophetic words for America’s future.

‘The Perfect Storm’ is Coming to America

John Paul Jackson is a man who has received dreams from God all his life. His dreams sometimes reveal the future to him.

Now he has a special message to Christians in America about the next ten years which have already begun.

It has been revealed to John Paul that a number of negative factors will combine to make the next number of years a particularly rough time for the United States.

To give you more background on John Paul Jackson, here is an interview he did recently with Sid Roth.

This series of events is given in detail in his video series called ‘The Perfect Storm’ along with advice about how to be ready for these rough times.

The Perfect Storm – Part 1

The Perfect Storm – Part 2

For more about John Paul Jackson and to see his resources, visit John Paul Jackson’s website.

Update:  Sadly, John Paul Jackson passed away on February 18th, 2015.  His legacy lives on through Streams Ministry, the ministry he founded and developed, which can be found at the link above.

Man Dead 3 Days – To Eternity and Back…

Daniel Ekechukwu was the victim of a fatal car accident.

By God’s grace and power, he was resurrected three days later. You can learn the details of his story and see images of his death certificate and the mortuary’s entry here. You can also download a free eBook featuring his story and 25 other near death experiences.

While dead, Daniel was guided by an angel on a visit to heaven and hell.

A short dramatization of his experience along with some actual footage is here:

Here is the story from Daniel and those involved in the resurrection as they share their experiences and what they saw.