Category Archives: Spiritual Beings

Angels in Jordan’s Living Room — Watch them zoom around!

A couple weeks back when we had that really bad storm with tornados going through the United States, Jordan was at home with her children sitting in the dark because her electricity was out. She and her children started seeing angelic orbs flying around her living room. Fortunately for us, she was able to use her smart phone to capture a video of the angels flying around.

May you be blessed as you watch this rare footage of angels making themselves visible to bring encouragement and joy to one family — and to us too!

Unfortunately, the video above was taken down by the YouTube user in August 2014. We have added another video post that shows similar angelic orbs captured by another person’s video camera, and another one below in a time of grief and pain in another woman’s life, and the angelic orbs appearing was a great encouragement to them.

Leaping Across the Space-Time Continuum Via Supernatural Travel

There are many accounts from various sources of people and vehicles being physically transported through space and time in a supernatural way. In some cases, travel from point A to point B is occuring in tiny fractions of the time that should be possible. People are stepping through spiritual doorways and physically appearing in places on the other side of the planet for some spiritual meeting and then coming back in just a matter of an hour or so. There are instances of physical objects passing through one another without damage to either object. People are bi-locating so that they are in one place and in another country in the world at the same time doing completely different things.

Here I will share some of the documented time-space transport miracles and also provide some spiritual background to these by sharing the historical precedent for these as recorded in the pages of scripture.

bruce-allen-translation In the remarkable picture to the left, you can see Bruce Allen’s transparent body captured on film while he was bi-located in Idaho, USA and in the nation of Latvia at the same time. His written testimony about this incident is found on his website.

Before we move on from Bruce Allen who has become instrumental in teaching people about the spiritual basis and right for experiencing these spiritual transportation miracles, here is an interview and teaching by Bruce Allen.

Bruce Allen interviewed by Sid Roth regarding supernatural travel


Bruce Allen teaches on translation by faith (1 hr 48 min long – and you’ll wish it was even longer because it’s so good!)

A two-session teaching by Bruce Allen on Supernatural Translocation:


In the following interview on “It’s Supernatural” a woman tells about an experience wherein a truck sped through an intersection and went right through her car without hurting herself, her car, nor the other passengers.

Truck passes through a car and passengers — David Herzog with Sid Roth


David Herzog tells about driving through time warp


A young woman tells about her “quantum transport” experience

(Click on the title above to follow the link)

Joshua Mills gets supernaturally transported to China – part 1 of 2 (story starts 4:30 into video)

Joshua Mills gets supernaturally transported to China – part 2 of 2

Now, as promised, let’s take a brief survey of some of the ancient supernatural space-time travel precedents for today’s spiritual people:

One of the earliest examples of a person transported supernaturally is Enoch. Genesis 5 and Hebrews 11 say that Enoch walked with God but then he was nowhere to be found because God took him away. He was one who walked closely with God and then he ended up walking right out of this world hand in hand with God.

Another individual noted for space-time travel was Elijah. In 1 Kings 18 the prophet Obadiah told Elijah, “I don’t know where the Spirit of the Lord may carry you when I leave you.” Then, in 2 Kings 2 Elijah is finally carried away permanently in this scene worthy of cinema: “As Elijah and Elisha were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elisha saw this and cried out, ‘My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!’ And Elisha saw him no more.”

The prophet Ezekiel frequently describes in his writings that he was carried places by God. In Ezekiel 8 we read, for example, “I was sitting in my house and the elders of Judah were sitting before me, the hand of the Sovereign Lord came upon me there. I looked, and I saw a figure like that of a man. From what appeared to be his waist down he was like fire, and from there up his appearance was as bright as glowing metal. He stretched out what looked like a hand and took me by the hair of my head. The Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven and in visions of God he took me to Jerusalem.”

Jumping forward to Christ Jesus we have some great examples of supernatural time-space travel starting with when Jesus walked right through an angry crowd wanting to throw him off a cliff (Luke 4). The gospels Mark 6 and John 6 record an incident where Jesus sends his disciples on a boat trip across a large lake. Jesus stays behind to pray on a mountain. A storm comes up on the lake and the disciples are stuck in the middle of the lake trying to row against strong winds and powerful waves. Jesus who is still on the mountain supernaturally sees his disciples struggling to get across the lake and so Jesus walks out onto the lake and meets his disciples in the middle of the lake. He gets in the boat, and instantly the entire boat and all its occupants are instantly transported to the lakeshore the disciples had been trying to reach.

Luke 24 tells about an incident when Jesus is having a meal with two guys and then Jesus disappears right in front of them. A little later, Jesus’s disciples were staying in a locked home and Jesus appeared out of thin air right in front of them (John 20).

Later, we read in Acts 8 about a guy named Philip who was going where the Holy Spirit told him and after he completed his spiritual assignment he was whisked away by the Holy Spirit and then appeared in a town miles away.

Here is a great article called Portals of Heaven, Ancient Gates that addresses the Biblical concept of spiritual gateways.

I hope you have been inspired to journey with God — it is a wonderful and exciting adventure.

Real Angel Singing with Jason Upton – Fly

Jason Upton singing Fly

A very spiritually-sensitive singer / songwriter, Jason Upton, was singing a song about going into heavenly places when a 12-foot angel joined Jason on stage behind him and began harmonizing with him. This happened at a college auditorium in Alexandria, Louisiana.

Wonderfully for us, the voice of the angel was picked by Jason’s microphone and captured by the recording equipment.

I’m posting the recording for you to hear below.

First, listen to Michael, one of Jason’s band members, tell about that night.

Here is the recording in High Definition: Fly by Jason Upton with Angel Singing

In case you want to get to know Jason Upton a bit better, here is a video of him telling a bit about his personal story.

Fly – Jason Upton – lyrics

Going up to new atmospheres
Going up to new places
Going up to new atmospheres
Gotta have new ears… new ears
Heavenly places (x2)
Heavenly places (x3)
Heavenly places
New revelation (x2)
What are doing?
Where are you going?
You’re gonna give…
Some of you have been fighting for a very long time
Some of you have been fighting that ground warfare for a very long time
Sticking out your fists and fighting
God wants to take you to new places
New places (x5)
New revelation (x2)
New perspective (x2)
Ariel view (x5)
I declare over you
God has given you the air (x2)
So fly
It’s time to spread out your wings
It’s time to shake off the things that hold you down
It’s time to spread out your wings
And fly
Just fly–…fly–
Do you see what I see?
Do you hear what I hear?
Do you know what I know?
Do you want what I want?
[ Angel(s) can be heard here and also other portions of song]
Do you see what I see?
Do you hear what I hear?
Do you know what I know?
Fly (x7)
Just fly (x2)
I have given you wings
I have set you free from the things that held you
I have given you wings
I have set you free
So come to me
[ Angel(s) can be heard here and also other portions of song]
Like a bird in the air, you have escaped the snare
Like a bird in the air, you’ve escaped the snare
Like a bird in the air, you’ve escaped the snare of the enemy
You have been set free (x4)
Nothing (x9)
Nothing can ever hold you
[ Angel(s) can be heard here and also other portions of song]

The Heavens Opened – Anna Rountree’s heavenly visions shared in detail

Many have been deeply blessed by the detailed accounts of Anna Rountree’s visits to heaven. She has been taken up into heavenly encounters and experiences hundreds of times and has documented these visits in her books, which you can listen to here.

The Heavens Opened

The Priestly Bride


Sid Roth’s 1 hour interview with Anna Rountree

Her two books The Heavens Opened and The Priestly Bride have been combined into one new book, Heaven Awaits the Bride,  that would make a wonderful, life-changing gift for someone in your family, at work, or someone else you wish would get a vision of how wonderful heaven and God are. The book also includes a study guide that shows how Anna Rountree’s visions are consistent with Christian scriptures.

Heaven Awaits the Bride


Eye Witness Account of Heaven – Kat Kerr Revealing Heaven

Kat Kerr has been taken on visits to heaven on a daily basis for many years now. She has written a series of books giving detailed descriptions of what she has seen and experienced. For those of us who have not been to heaven yet she is our eyes into this wonderful spiritual world.  The video below is a few hours long but is a detailed sermon on her experiences.  Be blessed as you listen!

Below that is a link to the first of her books.


You can learn more at Kat Kerr’s Website

Visions and Miracles Out of the Land of Egypt – 2010 Documentary

Here is a documentary showing footage of wonderful miracles including oil mysteriously flowing from objects and a woman’s hands, apparitions and lights, healings, and more.

First, watch the one minute trailer to get an overview of the treat you are about to enjoy:

Now, here is the video.

The audio track is out of sync but I did not find that to be much of a problem in this film. For a better version of the video, you can always get the DVD.

Film may take a moment to begin.