Eye Witness Account of Heaven – Kat Kerr Revealing Heaven

Kat Kerr has been taken on visits to heaven on a daily basis for many years now. She has written a series of books giving detailed descriptions of what she has seen and experienced. For those of us who have not been to heaven yet she is our eyes into this wonderful spiritual world.  The video below is a few hours long but is a detailed sermon on her experiences.  Be blessed as you listen!

Below that is a link to the first of her books.



You can learn more at Kat Kerr’s Website

Bay Revival Healings

The Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival began July 23, 2010 in Alabama and continues to this day in Alabama and in the cities that the Bay Revival ministry team visits.

The leadership team made the wise choice to make the revival as accessible as possible by having their ministry team visit various cities to minister. God has graciously ministered healing and salvation in each of those cities.

I say that this was a wise choice because the work of the Holy Spirit can be compared to the wind or to a river. Both the wind and the river flow and move and cannot be kept to one’s self. The church that tries to build a dam and keep the River to themselves will end up with a stale, stinking, stagnant swamp. The River of God’s Revival will not be locked up by a group of Christians trying to selfishly keep God’s blessings to themselves.

God allows his blessings to flow through us and the quicker we pass those blessings on to others the more speedily and mightily will God’s blessings flow through that person. The one who is faithful with little will then be entrusted with the opportunity to share more.

Many wonderful testimonies of healing miracles can also be found on YouTube.com

Documented Miracles, Signs, Wonders, Visions, and Supernatural Encounters

Welcome to The Rising Light where you can see miracles documented by video, hear first-hand accounts of supernatural encounters, and see with your own eyes evidence of the supernatural realm.

100’s of miracles can be seen with your own eyes here on this blog. Take a look at the drop down menu in the black bar across the top of this page to find whatever supernatural manifestation or encounter interests you.

To help you get started, I’ll highlight a few of my favorite posts here for you:

Experiencing the Power of Jesus’ Love – Miracle Healings and More Out on the Streets

This leg lengthening miracle will S T R E T C H your faith!

Jewels Falling from Heaven in Puerto Rico

Disney’s Magic Kingdom gets a visit from God’s Heavenly Kingdom

New Zealand Man Dies and Sees a Glimpse of Eternity

Watch this Documentary to see the Miracles God is Doing Around the World — The Finger of God Film

I would also encourage you to check out our Resource Page to find many excellent eBooks and Links to help you grow spiritually and guide you in exploring the fascinating supernatural realm.

Also, we have put together an excellent collection of Books on the Supernatural for you to check out. Here is a sampling of what is available:

Healed by shadow, spoon, or bubbles?

People tend to get into a rut. We find a way that works and think that’s the only way.

For example, we think if a prayer isn’t said a certain way it won’t receive God’s blessing. Or we think if we don’t pray for healing just right they won’t be healed.

This post is featuring people who were not healed by the typical methods of healing prayer. The key to remember is that miraculous healings are not produced by our hands or our prayers. Miraculous healings come from God alone. Our hands and prayers can be instruments God uses to deliver his healing touch but He is not limited by the length of our arms. He can deliver healing through any object or even through the atmosphere.

He certainly receives the greatest pleasure from seeing us agree with him for healing and taking up our authority in Christ to command healing. He is waiting for us to step into the destiny he has secured for us.

God heals through touch of shadow 

People brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by. ~ Acts 5

God heals through a spoon – Video 1

God heals through a spoon – Video 2

God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them. ~ Acts 19

God heals through bubbles

*note:  bubble video no longer available

Do you know that we make things really complicated when they don’t need to be?

God will stoop down to our level of faith. For example, if the centurion in Matthew chapter 8 had not had faith for a long-distance, no-contact healing, Jesus would have traveled with him to lay hands on the centurion’s servant. But since the centurion had faith that God would heal in response to Jesus’ command no matter what the barriers were between Jesus and the ill servant, God gave the centurion the healing he requested with no further ado.

Do we then have the authority to command healing even without any physical contact with the person?

Yes, we are in Christ and share all the authority of Christ. Read John 14-16 to get a clear picture of what our position of authority is in Christ. Consider these words of Christ from John 14, “Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves. I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

God is the Great Chiropractor

We need to stop limiting ourselves. Our only limit is Christ Jesus who is God and is in God and has God in him. If God can use shadows, bubbles, and spoons to heal people and if he can use a donkey to prophecy, then how can you think that you – Created in the very image of God and redeemed by the blood of the Son of God and made an heir to the kingdom of God – are somehow unable to be used by God. God will work mighty miracles through you. Ask God what he wants to do through you and trust God to be able to do what He says He will do. It really isn’t about your abilities or your holiness. It is all about the ability and holiness of Christ Jesus who is in you and who fills you and covers you and surrounds you. You aren’t the issue. Christ is the beginning and the ending. It starts with Him and ends with Him. God is ready to touch people’s lives and He wants to take you for the ride!

Visions and Miracles Out of the Land of Egypt – 2010 Documentary

Here is a documentary showing footage of wonderful miracles including oil mysteriously flowing from objects and a woman’s hands, apparitions and lights, healings, and more.

First, watch the one minute trailer to get an overview of the treat you are about to enjoy:

Now, here is the video.

The audio track is out of sync but I did not find that to be much of a problem in this film. For a better version of the video, you can always get the DVD.

Film may take a moment to begin.

School of the Supernatural with Ryan Wyatt

Ryan Wyatt is not only an excellent teacher of how to live a supernatural lifestyle but also walks the talk.

May you be blessed by this interview he recently did with Sid Roth’s TV show It’s Supernatural as well as the additional resources below.

If the above video has whet your appetite, you can download his School of the Supernatural in eBook  or Paperback formats.

Moreover, you can see him teaching at his video channel on XPmedia. That is how I first discovered him and really found his teaching to be extremely helpful.

Angels and Miracles Save Man Crushed Under Semi-Truck

In 2006, Bruce Van Natta was crushed and nearly cut in half under the cab of a logging truck. Even though five of his arteries were severed (besides other damage to his body) he did not bleed out. Bruce knows why because his spirit was floating over the scene of the accident and he saw not only what was happening in the physical world but also what was happening in the spiritual realm.

Watch the video to find out exactly what Bruce saw and what other amazing miracles tipped the scales back from death to life for this man.

Saved by Angels – 7 min clip:

Saved by Angels by Bruce Van Natta
Saved by Angels by Bruce Van Natta

Bruce has shared all the details of his amazing story in his faith inspiring book Saved by Angels, which is available in the Rising Light Bookstore.

You can also watch Bruce’s full 30-minute testimony and see many other video clips  and interviews featuring his story including a show on It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth on his ministry website media page.  His ministry is Sweet Bread Ministries.

Journey Into the Spirit Realm and Going Before the Throne of God – Howard Pittman’s Near-Death Experience (1979)

On August 3, 1979, Rev. Howard Pittman, realizing that he was about to die, prayed that he would be permitted the privilege of going before the throne of God to ask for an extension on his life.

He was granted this privilege and much about the nature of demons, God, as well as the condition and future of humanity was revealed to him during his journey through the spirit realm.

The following is a reading of Howard Pittman’s NDE Testimony as Recorded in Placebo (YouTube):


Brazen Faith that Raises the Dead and Cures Every Disease — Four DVD’s Posted!

In a world filled with unbelief and sharing a common experience marked by disease, suffering, depression, confusion, and death, there are some unique people who see healing, peace, joy, clarity, and life spring up every place they set foot. The distinguishing mark of these people is brazen, stubborn, unrelenting belief in the word of God.

One of these believers might read a scripture regarding Jesus Christ such as 1 Peter 2:24 that says “by his wounds you have been healed” and take those words literally. He would believe that Jesus’ wounds have secured our healing from any disease.

Another person would say, “no, no, that refers only to our spiritual healing.”

Why do they say that? Was Jesus merely spiritually wounded? No!

So, why would someone say that the healing is only spiritual?

There are two reasons:

First, the person cannot believe that all the suffering and disease in their world is unnecessary. They can’t accept that their suffering could go away if only they would put their faith in Christ’s suffering and being wounded on their behalf to bring them peace and healing.

Another reason that so many people try to spiritualize everything is because spiritual things are invisible and cannot be proven false. In essence, they are trying to protect God from being proved incompetent. No one can prove that someone is not spiritually healed. But anyone can prove whether someone is physically healed or not. People who are not sure if God is able to keep his promises want to let Him off the hook by making sure that He is only held accountable for what happens in the invisible, untestable, spiritual realm.

The person who is filled with BELIEF will experience life and see results much different than the common experience of those who tend to doubt the word of God and try to twist the word of God to fit their own experience in the world of unbelief.

We have churches full of Christians who are convinced of the truth of the Gospel (Jesus Christ’s and the apostles’ message of good news) but not converted by the Gospel. What I mean is that they will agree that it makes sense and that the evidence is strong. But they will not allow the Gospel to absolutely and completely and irreversibly transform them. They want to maintain the safe place of standing aloof from the Gospel and making judgment on it and the right to change their minds about it anytime a new doubt presents itself.

To throw your lot in with the Gospel… To fully give your life over to the Gospel… To open yourself to allow the Gospel to entirely change your life… THAT is too much for many people to commit themselves to. Full acceptance of the Gospel brings responsibility for exercising dominion over disease, demons, and death. Full acceptance means allowing the wind of the Spirit to blow you wherever it pleases — perhaps away from your nice pretty home, perhaps away from your comfy career, perhaps away from your lifestyle.

Only a small number of American Christians are brave enough to allow the Gospel to actually convert them — to irrevocably and entirely CHANGE them.

Today, I want to feature the testimony and teaching of one such brave Christian who gave himself over to the powerful Gospel of Jesus Christ. Did the Gospel change him? Did the Gospel take him away from the comforts he was accustomed to? Did the Gospel force him to take on responsibilities most people would like to shrink away from? Did the Gospel put him in situations where impossible things had to happen for not only his success but also the survival of him and his family?

Yes. That all happened when he let the Gospel CONVERT him. But more importly, let us ask: Did the Gospel live up to all its promises? Did the Gospel let him down? — isn’t that what the Convinced-but-Not-Converted-Christians are afraid of?

Let me assure you that the Gospel has never let him down. He has seen demons conquered, diseases vanquished and death overcome on many, many occasions. In fact, he has personally seen over two dozen people raised from the dead! He and his family have not been destroyed and they are happier and more fulfilled than just about any other family on earth. They know what they believe and know that it is the truth and they witness the power of the Gospel every single day.

Furthermore, the people they minister to have received the message of Christ and are seeing God powerfully respond to their prayers so that they in turn have seen an additional 280+ people raised from the dead as well as many freed from physical and spiritual oppression. Their testimonies are wonderfully encouraging to anyone who wonders if there is truly power in the Gospel of Christ.

It was after watching the testimony and teaching posted below from David Hogan of Freedom Ministries that I decided to stop allowing doubts to undermine my confidence in the Gospel of Christ. I began barring doubts from my mind and treating them with the same contempt that I would treat a demon from the pit of hell. And my wife and I immediately began seeing amazing miracles. We were both teachers at the time and before we had finished watching this series of ‘Faith to Raise the Dead’ videos a healing revival had broken out among our students so that every day each of our classes began with testimonies and healings and even our co-workers received healing by the power of God, which was no longer being held back by our personal doubts and misgivings.

I hope that you also watch these videos and I pray that you would also make the choice to make a stand and completely and uncompromisingly give your mind and life over to the Powerful, Life-Giving, Death-Defying Gospel of Jesus Christ so that God’s grace of Life — and That Abundantly — would pour through you to change the world.


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