Tag Archives: Faith

Experiencing the Power of Jesus’ Love – Miracle Healings and More Out on the Streets

Todd White’s life has been transformed by the love and power of Jesus Christ. The love of God overflows the heart of Todd and people who are around him are transformed by the miraculous love of Jesus.

Todd doesn’t think that God is just for the church-goers. He remembers that Jesus taught that the good shepherd will leave the 99 sheep in the pen (the church) to go out and find that one lost sheep wandering in the wilderness.

So, Todd walks the streets of urban centers and as he walks he watches and listens. He watches for anyone who needs healing – whether physical or spiritual. He also listens to the Spirit of God who tells him the needs of the people around him. Each of these people come into an amazing encounter with the powerful love of God.

I have already posted some videos of Todd out on the streets listening to people’s hurts and sharing the healing power of God’s love with them and the videos show people being miraculously healed by God’s power.

Today I am posting some new videos that I have uncovered of God’s love and power overflowing from Todd’s life.

I hope you are as blessed as I was when I watched these videos documenting the miraculous power of God’s love touching people.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

Video 6

Holy Spirit Hot Spot – What Happens When God’s Power Lands on Earth!

What would a Holy Spirit Hot Spot look like? I mean what would it look like if there were a place on earth where people could go and experience the supernatural healing power of God?

This time last year, a church in Lakeland, Florida was in the middle of a 6 month encounter with the healing power of God.

It is estimated that over 140,000 people from over 40 nations visited and 1.2 million people watched via the Internet – www.god.tv canceled its scheduled programing and covered the event live.

Countless healing miracles and over a dozen resurrections from the dead took place during these meetings. People attending or watching these revival meetings became inspired to pray for the recovery of sick or dead people and also saw results all around the world.

Let’s take a closer look at the Lakeland Revival through video coverage.

CBN News Story:

Lakeland: The Movie –catch the first 30 days of the event

Testimony of a Resurrection

Miracle Healings Hit the Streets of Las Vegas

Christians are often called ‘believers’ but some believe more than others.

For instance, how seriously do Christians take Jesus when he says, ‘they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well’ and ‘You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it’?

Today, I want you to meet a guy who took Jesus at his word. He started praying for anyone he could find having faith that God would heal them.

A month went by of praying for half a dozen people everyday and… nothing. Another month went by of praying for people in parking lots, downtown, and wherever he could find people… still nothing seemed to be happening. Yet another month of faithfully believing Jesus’ promises came and went with no tangible results.

Most of us would have given up long before this. That is probably why most of us don’t live supernatural lifestyles.

It was in his fourth month of going out and praying everyday that breakthrough happened. For the first time, Todd received a word of knowledge about a man, prayed, and the man was instantly healed.

From that time on, Todd began seeing the flow of healing miracles become stronger and stronger so that now he almost always sees immediate results.