Category Archives: Revelation

School of the Supernatural with Ryan Wyatt

Ryan Wyatt is not only an excellent teacher of how to live a supernatural lifestyle but also walks the talk.

May you be blessed by this interview he recently did with Sid Roth’s TV show It’s Supernatural as well as the additional resources below.

If the above video has whet your appetite, you can download his School of the Supernatural in eBook  or Paperback formats.

Moreover, you can see him teaching at his video channel on XPmedia. That is how I first discovered him and really found his teaching to be extremely helpful.

Angels and Miracles Save Man Crushed Under Semi-Truck

In 2006, Bruce Van Natta was crushed and nearly cut in half under the cab of a logging truck. Even though five of his arteries were severed (besides other damage to his body) he did not bleed out. Bruce knows why because his spirit was floating over the scene of the accident and he saw not only what was happening in the physical world but also what was happening in the spiritual realm.

Watch the video to find out exactly what Bruce saw and what other amazing miracles tipped the scales back from death to life for this man.

Saved by Angels – 7 min clip:

Saved by Angels by Bruce Van Natta
Saved by Angels by Bruce Van Natta

Bruce has shared all the details of his amazing story in his faith inspiring book Saved by Angels, which is available in the Rising Light Bookstore.

You can also watch Bruce’s full 30-minute testimony and see many other video clips  and interviews featuring his story including a show on It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth on his ministry website media page.  His ministry is Sweet Bread Ministries.

Journey Into the Spirit Realm and Going Before the Throne of God – Howard Pittman’s Near-Death Experience (1979)

On August 3, 1979, Rev. Howard Pittman, realizing that he was about to die, prayed that he would be permitted the privilege of going before the throne of God to ask for an extension on his life.

He was granted this privilege and much about the nature of demons, God, as well as the condition and future of humanity was revealed to him during his journey through the spirit realm.

The following is a reading of Howard Pittman’s NDE Testimony as Recorded in Placebo (YouTube):


Furious Love – God’s Love Prevailing in Darkness

A while back, I shared video clips from a documentary featuring God’s miracles around the world: The Finger of God

Today, I want to share video clips from the follow up film, Furious Love, documenting God’s love prevailing where evil and darkness tend to be strongest. The film puts God’s love to the test and finds out just how powerful His love really is.

The entire film can be ordered on DVD or accessed and watched online.  A Deluxe Edition is available on Amazon as well.

Here are some random clips from this spectacular film. Please understand that these clips should only be considered a sampling — They do not represent the entire film and are placed in no particular order (although I tried to keep clip sets together). Also, it should be noted that the clip from the former Satanist may have come from the bonus material or even the Deluxe Edition as I don’t remember seeing this much of the interview when watching the film.


Furious Love Trailer


Furious Love Clip 1


Furious Love Clip 2


Furious Love Clip 3



I hope you found the above clip samples interesting, remember that you can watch the entire film online. If you want to get a copy of this powerful DVD you can get it via the Rising Light Bookstore.

Saint Patrick’s Miraculous Ministry in Ireland

Saint Patrick by Boris Anrep
Saint Patrick lights the paschal fire on the Hill of Slain in celebration of Easter — leading to a confrontation with the powers controlling Ireland

I was recently blessed to obtain a copy of Celtic Flames by Kathie Walters. The book details the miraculous lives of seven apostles to the Celtic world from the 4th to 6th centuries A.D: Patrick – The Celtic Lion, Kieran – First Bishop of Saiger, Brendan of Clonfert, Brigid – First Abbess of Kildare, Comgall – Abbot of Bangor, Columba of Iona, and Cuthbert of Landisfarne

Kathie Walters knows firsthand that angels and miracles are quite real so she is not shy about telling about the frequent angelic visitations and miracles in the lives of the spiritual giants found in her book. She has written a number of other inspiring books covering both ancient and modern Celtic revivals.

In April she will lead a group on a trip to Ireland and Scotland where each participant will certainly be changed forever as they encounter God while visiting ancient wells of Celtic revival. Disappointed to see that the deadline for signing up for this trip has already passed, I have arranged with her to extend her deadline to March 21, 2011 for readers of The Rising Light so that any of you who feels excited by this opportunity of a lifetime can get signed up.

For those of you who don’t feel led to go on this two week trip yourself, I would encourage you to be a blessing to the family of God and help make it possible for one of our brothers or sisters to go by making a contribution towards the cost of this lifechanging visit to these Celtic lands of revival.

Since St. Patrick’s Day is now approaching, I would like to share with you some of the wonderful miracles that God did through Saint Patrick’s obedience. Kathie Walters has kindly given me permission to share several portions from her chapter covering the miracles in the life of Saint Patrick as recorded in Celtic Flames. I trust that you will be quite blessed and encouraged as you realize that the same power at work in the life of Saint Patrick is also available to each one of us since we are baptized into the same Spirit.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
~ Saint Paul in Ephesians 3:20-21

Excerpts from Celtic Flames chapter 5 “Patrick – The Celtic Lion A.D. 389 – A.D. 471”:

Patrick, and The King Of Tara and His Druidic Wizards.

Celtic FlamesFinally God provided a way for Patrick to return to Ireland in 432 A.D. So the ministry to the Irish began, not without opposition from the Druids and wizards who tried desperately to keep Patrick away from the kings, for they had prophesied of his coming. Patrick believed that if the kings could be won for God, then the people would follow. One of the first spiritual battles between Patrick and the Druids was fought at the Hill of Tara in 433 A.D.

The High King, Laeghaire (Leary), son of the renowned Niall of the Nine Hostages, had invited the sub-kings and nobles and bards to a lavish festival. It was to start with great bonfires, but until those fires were lit by the Druids, it was forbidden for other fires to be seen. King Laeghaire, in his efforts to hold his power over the lower kings had given himself to the power of the wizards, and skillful magicians and Druidic priests along with their idols.

Lochru, and Lucat-Mael, were his chief wizards, and being false prophets they had foretold that “An evil teacher would come from over the sea to their land: That a multitude would receive him, and that he would find love and reverence from the men of Ireland. He would cast out from their realms the evil kings and lords, and would destroy all the idols; the worship established by him, would abide in the land for ever.” No doubt the Druids knew of the progress of Christianity in Britain and Europe. Their brethren abroad had been discredited and they were afraid of the same fate. They were very much afraid of losing their influence and authority.

Patrick leaving the friendly hospitality of Dichu, sailed southward and arrived at Inver Colptha, the mouth of the river Boyne. They followed the course of the stream, for about 12 miles until they came to the hill of Slane, where Patrick proposed to celebrate Easter.

While they rested there on the hill, they saw the magnificent view beneath of the river Boyne; to the north, far away were the purple mountains of Mourne, and to the south lay the beautiful hills of Wicklow. Against this background, about 10 miles away, stood the royal hill of Tara. The roofs of the palaces shining in the setting sun. When the sun had set, Patrick began to prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. It was the first time the paschal fire was lit, never to be extinguished in the land.

Hardly were the Christian torches seen to blaze, when the attention of the High King was drawn to the progidy. The whole of Mag Breg, (the Beautiful Plain), was illuminated by the fires, while Tara was still in darkness.

Angrily the King called his attendants and told them to find out who had dared to light the fires, and break the law he had made for the occasion of the festivals of Beltane and Samhain.

The Druids told King Laeghaire that there was no need to send messengers to Slane for they knew what the fires were. “We see the fire,” they said, “And we know that unless it is quenched on the night in which it is made, it will not be quenched for ever. The man who kindled it, will vanquish the kings and lords of Ireland, unless he is stopped.” “This shall not be!” cried the king, “but we will go down and kill this man who made the fires.” The horses were hastily made ready.

Meanwhile on the hill of Slane, Patrick had begun with the others the celebration of the Easter festival, singing and worshiping God. Demons hovered over Tara, while the Angelic host kept guard over Slane. Patrick, with Victorious, (the Angel who was the guardian of Ireland)*, had no need to fear for the result of the contest. It was late when nine chariots, bearing the king and queen with two chief Druids, and a number of nobles came thundering toward Slane. The wizards began to fear that the king might fail by taking a hasty action. As they drew toward the Christians, the Druid wizards spoke to King Laeghaire, “You should be careful,” they cautioned the king, “Not to go down to the place where the fire was made, and give any respect to the man who kindled the fire. Stay outside and have him brought out to you, so that he will know that you are the king, and he is the subject.” The king was flattered and agreed.

They drove to the place called, “The Graves of Fiacc’s Men,” and they un-yoked the horses. The king and his nobles sat in solemn state, and the warriors stood with their shields erect in front of them. In the light of the fires they looked very fierce. The king forbade anyone to rise to greet Patrick or any of his company, (contrary to the custom of the Irish). A messenger was sent to fetch Patrick.

Soon a bright procession appeared descending the hill. As Patrick advanced, all eyes were fixed on him. Calmly he sang as he approached the king, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will call upon the Name of the Lord our God,” (don’t you love this?). As Patricks clear strong voice resounded, a feeling of awe filed the minds of the warriors. One man. Erc, the son of Deg, rose to greet Patrick. By grace, in a moment, he believed in God; and Patrick blessed him. Later on he was baptized and eventually became the first bishop of Slane. And Patrick prophesied to him, “Your city on earth will be high and noble.”

After a “formal” greeting between Laeghaire and Patrick, the wizard Lochru attacked him angrily with contention and shouting. He became malicious and hostile, and even violent, blaspheming the Holy Trinity. Patricks anger was roused and he called upon God, “O Lord, Who can do all things. And on Whose power everything depends, You have sent us here to preach Your Name to the heathen. Now let this ungodly man, who blasphemes your Name, be lifted up and let him die.” When Patrick had finished speaking, a supernatural force raised the wizard in the air. He fell heavily down, his head striking a stone. And so he died in the presence of those assembled. The heathen seeing their own subdued, and realizing that Patrick had more power than the Druids, were greatly affected. But the king was enraged at the fate of Lochru, on whom he had greatly depended. He then wanted to take the life of Patrick. “Slay this man,” he cried to his guards.

But Patrick stood firmly in his place. With flashing eyes and resonant voice he said, “Let God arise and His enemies be scattered; and let them that hate Him, flee from before His face! As smoke vanishes, so let them vanish away: as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.” By this time the sun had begun to rise and the morning splendor bathed the earth. But at the words of Patrick, darkness crept back over the sky and the ground shook with an earthquake. The swords and spears of the warriors clashed against their shields and it seemed to them that sky was falling down, and there was no hope of escape from impending destruction. The frightened horses galloped away in wild confusion, and the wind blew so fiercely that the chariots were moved.

Because of the confusion and fear, the warriors began to fight among themselves, and some were killed. Realizing their mistake, they fled, leaving only three people with King Laeghaire and Queen Angas. The king remained sullen and silent but the queen rose and approached Patrick. She spoke to him with respect. “Just and mighty man,” she said, “Do not destroy the king. He shall come to you and he will do your will and he will kneel and believe in your God,” Her influence prevailed and because the events of the past few hours had shaken him, the king kneeled before Patrick, offering peace. It was a false gesture, designed to allow him to avoid the present situation. Laehaire designed a plan in his mind to try and kill Patrick on the way to his castle. “Follow after me, to my castle, Cleric,” said the wily king, “And at Tara I may believe in your God in the presence of the men of Ireland.”

Patrick consented and Laeghire gave orders to his servants that an ambush should be set on several paths between Slane to Tara. The chariots were yoked once more by the attendant who had now returned, and the royal party set out back to the palace. They were very weary and discouraged after their disastrous night with Patrick and his company continued the interrupted Easter Day celebration with hearts full of gratitude to the risen Lord, who was so wonderful to them. Then Patrick selected his companions and blessed them before setting out for Tara. There were eight young clerics, including Patrick, and the boy, Benignus, who never left Patricks side. They had ten miles to walk, “but God covered them with cloak of darkness” so that they could not be seen, for God had revealed to Patrick the evil design on the king.

Nevertheless the heathen as they watched saw only eight deer and a fawn (Benignus). It was after this that Patrick wrote his famous hymn, “The Deer’s Cry,” in which he gave God praise and expressed his firm belief in the Resurrection, the Incarnation and, Death and Ascension of Christ. He united with the citizens of heaven, declaring glory to Him who is his defense against the wiles of the devil and against all forms of superstition and idolatry; ending with an appeal to Christ to be with him always and speak to him through every creature.

Meanwhile King Laeghaire was sitting in grief and shame in the banqueting hall of Tara, together with the nobles, bards and wizards who had escaped from the events of the previous night. The thought that in his terror he had knelt in front of Patrick overwhelmed him with humiliation. He waited anxiously of news that his snares had been successful and that the disturber of his peace, (Patrick) was no more! As it was a day of high festival, and however angry he was, he still had to show hospitality to his invited guests. The hall was decked with festive banners and the noble company sat down to the tables with their minds full of the strange events of the previous night, and no other conversation was broached. “I will go to Tara,” Patrick had replied to the king, when Laeghaire offered the invitation, “In order to manifest my readiness to the men of Ireland.”

A Quick Way To Evangelize A City or How St. Patrick Won Dublin (Patrick A.D. 389-461)

As Patrick came near to Dublin, at that time a small village, he prophesied, “That village which is now very small shall hereafter become very eminent. it shall be enlarged in riches and dignity.” Neither shall it cease to grow until it has become the principal seat of all the kingdom.”

When the people of Dublin, having heard of the great signs and miracles that were done through Patrick, and when they saw that he was coming to that village, they went out to meet him.

At this time, Alphinus was the king over Dublin. He and all the citizens were in great sorrow, for the death of the kings two children. The kings only son, called Eochadh had died a natural death, in his bedroom. The king’s daughter, and a sister to the young prince, had just been drowned, in the adjoining river, now known as the Liffey.

She had ventured into the deep part, for the purpose of bathing. Her name was Dublinia, and from her Dublin is thought to have derived its name. (Joceylyn note) The young lady’s body was drawn out of the waters after some considerable search, and laid by her brother’s corpse, in order that their funeral rites might be solemnized together.

According to the superstition of the pagans, the tombs were prepared. In the meantime, news was spread over all the city, that “St. Patrick, the potent reviver of many dead persons”, (What a reputation !!) had been seen in the town. For He, who burst asunder the gates of death and of hell, smoothed the path for his servant.

The king and the people, who before had said to the Lord, “depart from us, we will not the knowledge any of thy ways,” were so cast down, saddened with grief, that all of their rebellion and all their barbarous rudeness, and all the pride of their idolatry, were utterly subdued.

The king, hearing of St. Patrick’s arrival, greatly rejoiced, and caused him to come in, where his two children lay dead. He then promised, with all those present, if God restored his children to life, that he and all the citizens would become Christians. Seeing such a gain of souls, in the sight of the king, his nobles, and all the common people, Patrick raised from death to life those princely children, whose bodily resurrection co-operated much towards the spiritual resurrection of their father, with the rest of his people. The king and all his subjects, being astonished at this great miracle, turned away from the worship of idols, and they were baptized in the well (spring). From that day the King and all the people worshiped God and gave liberally to Patrick, so that he was able to give to the poor in that place and other places and have enough to build churches.

(Ref. Lives of the Irish Saints -O’Hanlon. Ecclesiatical History of Ireland, Rev. Dr. Lanigan. Sexta Vita S. Patricii, Joycelin notes.)

Patrick and The Kings Daughters

Patrick and his companions arrived in the early morning at Tulsk, in the county of Roscommon. As they sat down near the fountain known as Clibach they were approached by the two daughters of King Leogaire, who were intending to bathe in the fountain. Seeing the young clerics with their books in front of them, the young women wondered at the strange sight so early in the morning.

The two women, Eithne and Feidelm, inquired of Patrick as to what race he was from and where he had come presently come from. “Are you some kind of gods?” asked Eithne. “It is better for you to ask about our God than to inquire as to our race,” said Patrick. “Where is God to be found, is He under the earth? or in the streams? Or in the hills and valleys?’ asked Eithne. “Is He beautiful and to be loved? How is He to be found?” she continued.

Patrick, full of the Holy Spirit replied, “Our God is the God over all, of heaven and earth: the God of the seas and rivers: the God of the sun and moon and stars: the God of the high mountains and lowly valleys; He quickens all things, He gives the light to the sun and moon, He created the waters in dry land, He places islands in the middle of the sea, and placed the stars in the heavens.” Patrick went on tell of God’s son – Jesus. The two sisters being of one heart cried out and said, “Our only desire to see Him face to face.” Patrick baptized both women and loved Christ with all their hearts – for they had sought the true God for a long time.

Shortly after both sisters died. Two druids, Mael and Caplait entered into a great conflict with Patrick over this, as the youngest daughter was the foster-daughter of Caplait. Patrick preached the gospel to Caplait and he became a believer to the great anger of the other druid, Mael. “I will win him back to our gods and cause him to leave you,” he said to Patrick. Patrick with great patience preached and reasoned with him until he also gave his heart to God.

Patrick continued to travel and preach to every town and village with many miracles and signs and wonders.

Patrick’s Fast and Petitions For Ireland

Patrick went to a high mountain in the range of Mayo in order to seek God and to fast and pray. For 40 days he fasted with watching and prayers and travail. Toward the end of the fast, the mountain was surrounded by many demons in the form of large black birds, screaming and giving off a foul smell. Patrick continued singing Psalms and hymns to no avail. Finally Patrick threw his bell at the birds and commanded the to leave. They left and immediately he was surrounded by an angelic choir. Also the angel who was always Patricks companion, Victor, came and said, “Everything you select shall be yours, every land – both hills and valleys, glens and woods. Every petition shall be granted.”

Patricks first petition was that every Irish man, woman and child would have opportunity to hear the Gospel and secondly, that barbarian invaders should not prevail against the Irish people. Victor commanded Patrick to get down from the mountain, but Patrick refused until every petition he asked was granted. Patrick contnued to ask for many blessings for Ireland.

Little boy tells about seeing heaven

At first his parents weren’t sure what to make of their young son’s claim that he had seen heaven while on the operating table. But then the boy began telling them things that he couldn’t have known such as details about his sister that they had never even told him about and his great grandfather whom he had never met. He says he knows these things about these people because he met them while in heaven. He also met Jesus and angels and learned many extraordinary things while in heaven.

His experiences and discoveries in heaven are all in the book Heaven is for Real.

Here is a 20 minute radio interview with Colton Burpo’s father:

Florida Man Raised from the Dead by Praying Cardiologist

On October 20, 2006 Jeff Markin collapsed from a massive heart attack after driving himself to the Palm Beach Gardens Hospital emergency room.

The emergency medical workers and supervising cardiologist Dr. Chauncey Crandall followed standard procedure using defibrillator pads more than a dozen times trying to shock Jeff’s heart back to working order. With each passing minute their chances of successfully resuscitating the heart attack victim plummeted dramatically. After they had worked feverishly for 40 minutes trying to bring Jeff’s heart out of a flatline they had to finally call the time of death and walk away from the corpse.

That would have been the end of a disappointing but not terribly unusual heart attack case. But as Dr. Chauncey Crandall was walking away after filling out some paperwork he sensed the Holy Spirit’s voice saying that he should pray for the now officially dead heart attack victim.

By this time Jeff Markin’s body was being prepared for the morgue. Dr. Crandall walked in there and began praying for Jeff Markin. Another doctor walked in and Dr. Crandall persuaded him to once again apply the defibrillators and see if the body could be shocked back to life. Despite the utter hopelessness of the situation the protesting doctor did as he was asked out of respect to his colleague. Miraculously, Jeff’s heart responded beautifully with a perfect heartbeat and Jeff began breathing again.

He was brought back to life by faith, prayer, and one more try using conventional medicine. Thus he would live to tell about his experience while physically dead. Miraculously Jeff not only came back to life but also did not sustain any brain damage.

In his book, Raising the Dead, Dr. Crandall tells all about this and other cases of raising the dead and healings and what brought him to the place where he has joined his medical expertise with prayer for each of his patients.

I have also found a number of reports and interviews that will fill in more details about this case. I hope you find all these resources and this amazing story to be a great inspiration as you remember the declaration of Jesus Christ: I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades. ~ Revelation 1:18

News Report Summarizing how Jeff Markin was Raised from the Dead

Jeff Markin’s Story

CBN 700 Club Report and Interview with Dr. Chauncey Crandall

Another CBN 700 Club Interview with Dr. Chauncey Crandall – Part 1


Another CBN 700 Club Interview with Dr. Chauncey Crandall – Part 2


Raising the Dead CDFree Raising the Dead CD

Includes the following:

Dead Man Raising – Special Report

Man Raised from the Dead – Part 1 and 2

Dr. Chauncey Crandall’s Testimony

Miracles Abound

Healing Isaiah 53 Compilation



Young boy Aldo McPherson shares a message from God after visiting heaven

A Message from GodOn June 19, 2004, a South African family had a serious car accident. The accident left their 12 year old son, Aldo McPherson, in a coma and on life support.

God did a number of miracles for Aldo and his family. God allowed Aldo to experience heaven and then asked Aldo to share a message with the world. God also taught Aldo and his family — especially his mother Retha McPherson — how to speak life and restoration over Aldo’s physical condition. In response to their obedience God began healing Aldo.

Before sharing some of the messages Aldo brought back with him from heaven and some of the lessons Retha McPherson learned, I would like to share this video documenting Aldo’s recovery process after the accident.

Aldo McPherson’s Recovery



You can also watch Retha McPherson tell her family’s story as she is interviewed on It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth (below).

Retha McPherson on It’s Supernatural

Aldo was unable to speak after his coma so he had to write when he wanted to communicate. He began writing to tell his family and the world what he had experienced in heaven and what God had been revealing to him.

His original letters were written in Afrikaans. You can see some of them and read the English translation provided under each one. Here is The Collection of Aldo McPherson’s hand-written letters from 2005 to the present.

It looks like the letters included in this collection supplement the ones already published in Aldo and Retha McPherson’s books. You can see some of these very interesting letters and read more of the story in the book A Message from God co-authored by Aldo McPherson and his mother Retha McPherson, which is available as a print book or as a digital ebook in our bookstore.

Disney’s Magic Kingdom gets a visit from God’s Heavenly Kingdom

Short 2 minute clip from full 30 minute video (scroll down to see full video)

Three friends (Hannah Ford, Jason Tax, and Jason Chin) were given a set of Disneyland tickets from a woman at the church they were attending that night.

When they entered Disneyland the next day they were carrying the presence of God inside them. Thus God’s power entered Disneyland and over a hundred people had a direct encounter with the power of God that day.

Hannah Ford’s brother explains how the three friends got the opportunity to share God’s power to heal and change lives with over 100 people in just one day at Disneyland.

Taken from his YouTube post:

This is amazing! God is so great!!! My sister, Hannah Ford, (music ministry website- was at Disneyland with some friends. She and her 2 friends, Jason Chin and Jason Tax, had been praying for revival to break out. They were standing in line for a ride, and one of them began talking with a teenager. She had some physical ailment and they offered to pray for her. She was healed on the spot. It blew the girl’s mind! Hannah prayed that God would move exponentially, and before long, they found themselves praying for another kid, an 8th grade boy, a star basketball player, and the son of a medical doctor. He had injured his shoulder and could not raise it at all, and had been out for the season. They prayed for him, and he was healed! He got so excited he called his father, and then he started texting his fellow 8th graders from his charter school, who were also at Disneyland. Kids starting coming from everywhere. They were actually leaving their places in line at various rides so they could come and find out what was going on. Wave after wave of kids from this charter school came and were prayed for and told the good news of salvation through Jesus. There were numerous healings and 30-40 put their faith in Jesus Christ. Kids were crying and laughing and saying they felt lighter. There was never one massive gathering, but groups of kids would come for awhile and then move on. But in all, my sister says that they prayed for and shared Jesus with 60-100 kids. They led them in prayer openly to receive Christ at Disneyland of all places.

There is a lot more video footage which will be posted later. My sister didn’t have time to get the rest out before leaving on a ministry trip to Mexico.

This all happened on Thursday, June 11, 2009.

Here are four videos that document some of what happened during that day with more information to follow after the videos.

Jesus Goes to Disneyland! (part 1 of 4)

Jesus Goes to Disneyland! (part 2 of 4)

Jesus Goes to Disneyland! (part 3 of 4)

Jesus Goes to Disneyland! (part 4 of 4)

Jason Chin (one of the three friends) shared his testimony of what happened at Bethel Church’s testimony website:

I went down to see my best friend, Jason Tax, in Los Angeles, just to visit for a week and hang out-and who knows what adventure the Holy Spirit might lead us into. Jay and I love to do street evangelism together. On the way down, I saw a Disneyland sign, and I remembered the times of lying on my bed dreaming with the Holy Spirit of revival inside the theme park. I thought, “Wow that would be cool if that ever happened for real.”

I had the privilege of speaking at my friend’s church on Wednesday night, and after the service, a lady asked me if I wanted a free ticket to Disneyland the following day. Yippie, Jesus. I thought, Wow! Those tickets are $94!

Jason Tax, Hannah Ford and I went to Disneyland to have a great day in the sun with the Son-and God set us up through one key miracle of a young man’s shoulder that was in a sling. We approached him and asked if we could pray for healing. Jesus instantly completely healed his shoulder and he removed his sling and began to test it out. He started crying from God’s goodness, and he told us how he could not raise it at all because of a fresh torn rotator cuff injury. He then started raising his arm over his head and moving it as freely as the other one. His friends explained how he is the star football player at their school and he would have had to take the entire year off from football after his scheduled surgery, so we explained the gospel of Jesus Christ and the miracles to the group of eight or so, and they all got saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, and two of them got healed-one of scoliosis. The other had Jesus grow out his leg as his friends all looked on.

They all started freaking out, and the heavenly momentum hit and it erupted into an all-out Holy Spirit healing miracle service in the Disneyland food court for four and a half hours as groups of young people got their friends and brought them back to us for healing. They would come to us and say, “Can you heal this?” as they would point to a lump on their knee or a bad ankle. We would answer something like, “We can not heal anything but Jesus can heal everything and that same Jesus is in you now, so everyone put your hand on this person and say, “Be healed in Jesus’ name! Now test it out.'” Really, that’s how we prayed: “Be healed! Now test it out.” Almost every healing was instant as the looks of shock appeared on the faces, then praise and cheers to Jesus would erupt from the crowd of youth!

Flat feet were healed as arches formed in front of everyone to witness. One girl was so scared as her friends dragged her up to us. She was almost crying from fear. We told her, “Hon, you have nothing to be afraid of. This is Jesus and He loves you very much.” She had extreme scoliosis and a dislocated thumb that was in a hand brace. She was still very much afraid so we told her, “We won’t even need to touch you because the glory is here. Just remove your brace and move your thumb around.” She did and her thumb was instantly healed. We asked her to touch her toes and then check her back out. She did and her friends lifted up the back of her shirt to check out her spine. They all screamed because it was now perfectly straight. Jesus! We asked her if she knew Jesus, and she said no. We told her it was Jesus who just healed her and asked her if she would like to know that Jesus? She said yes, so she got saved and then we explained to her about being filled with the Holy Spirit and she said she wanted Him, too! So we asked her to put her hands out in front of her and say, “Holy Spirit, come and fill me up. I give my life to you.” She started shaking under the power of God. God is soooo good!

We witnessed bone knots dissolve from knees, asthma healed, crooked knees straightened out, and eyes healed. Some protruding ribs were pulled back into the chest. Even gold dust showed up on many and three youths experienced supernatural weight loss as their once tight pants got looser and looser. Screams erupted as one man grew an inch taller while everyone looked on.

A super cool thing was how each kid got saved and then we prayed for them to be filled with the Holy Spirit and almost every kid felt a strong manifestation of the Holy Spirit like electricity, heat, tingling all over their bodies or a heavy, weighty presence.

They would then ask us questions like, “Can you make the sadness I feel leave the inside of me?” All their friends would say, “I feel that way, too,” so we started praying in large groups, commanding depression to leave them and joy to come. Kids were crying, laughing, yelling “Jesus,” saying things like, “I can’t believe this! This is way better than any ride here!” Those kids were getting set free. We prayed for healing for the first few kids only. Then we taught the youth that the same Spirit dwells in each of them, and then we watched Jesus heal through their hands! We witnessed around 120-140 healings, most of them instant and about 100 or so decisions for Christ, of which 50 or so were first-time decisions, asking Jesus to forgive them of their sins. Yea, Jesus! One young man came up to me and said, “I never knew that Jesus died for me,” and he yelled at the top of his lungs: “Jesus!”

Greatest Healing Miracle of the 20th Century – The Delores Winder Story

Sid Roth, host of the TV show It’s Supernatural, calls Delores Winder’s healing one of the greatest healing miracles of the Twentieth Century.

Delores Winder’s website briefly describes her medical history as follows:

Delores Winder was plagued with pseudo arthritis for nineteen and a half years. She was in a full body cast and neck brace during that time. At the age of 31, her bones were aged and deteriorating she had the bones of someone in their mid 70s. Delores’s bones continued to deteriorate rapidly, and as a result, her spine, hips, wrists, shoulders, and fingers were so fragile that she couldn’t be touched. Her lungs, heart, stomach, and kidneys were all failing too.

In order to kill the pain, Delores had four spinal fusions and two percutaneous cordotomies (burning out of the nerve centers at the base of the brain), which caused no feeling on the whole right side of her body and on the left side up to her waist.

Delores was making her funeral arrangements and was looking forward to death since it would be a wonderful relief from the agonizing pain she had endured much of her life. Her one concern though was her 14-year-old son. She needed assurance that he would be taken care of in her absence.

Interestingly, God instructed her to go to a conference by Kathryn Kuhlman to find out how he would take care of her 14-year-old son. I say “interestingly” because Delores couldn’t tolerate Kathryn Kuhlman. Delores was very skeptical of Kathryn’s ministry since Kathryn was known to miraculously heal people by God’s power. Delores didn’t believe that miraculous healings could still take place in post-Biblical times so she did not trust Kathryn’s ministry. But since Delores was concerned about her son and had a promise from God that he would reveal his plan for her son if she went to the Kathryn Kuhlman conference, she chose to attend that meeting. It also helped that the particular meeting she was supposed to attend was being hosted by a Christian denomination Delores trusted and the meeting’s focus was not on healing but on the Holy Spirit.

That meeting would change her life. Not only did God reveal his plan for her son; but also, he totally healed her and restored sensation to her entire body — something that was medically impossible since the nerve centers at the base of her brain stem had been severed in order to reduce her pain.

This complete healing took place in Dallas, TX on August 30, 1975 after there was no medical hope for her and her only concern was making sure that her son would be taken care of after she died.

Since this healing took place nearly 35 years ago, Delores Winder has had many opportunities to tell her story. The brief summary I have given above does not paint the whole picture and leaves out many details including how she was actually healed. That is because I could never do her story justice. I want you to take the time to watch at least one of the video clips posted below so that you can hear from her own mouth exactly what she experienced and what happened to her.


Delores Tells Her Story and Tells What God Has Taught Her Since Then – June 2009

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3



You can also catch an episode of Delores with Sid Roth on his show here

You can hear a 2-episode interview with Sid Roth here and here.