Tag Archives: Teaching

Praying Medic’s Divine Healing Course

Dear Friends of The Rising Light,

I’m excited and happy to announce that my good friend Praying Medic’s long-awaited Healing Classes are now available!  It’s been a long road and a lot of work for him to put this training course together, but you can now enroll in classes that will help equip you to release divine healing.

The course is self-paced, which means you can do them all in a week or do one a week for fourteen weeks, or whatever fits your lifestyle.  You get a lifetime membership, so you can review and retake classes at any time.  And the homework?  Destroy powers of darkness.

If this sounds good to you, then click the link below to learn more and sign up.  I’ve already got my account—come join me!

Enroll Today:

divine healing prayingmedic supernatural signswondersmiracles holyspirit

Sign Up Here


Praying Medic has mentioned that he plans to make additional courses in the future on hearing God’s voice, seeing in the spirit, and more, so stay tuned for future updates on new and exciting opportunities to learn how to share God’s love with demonstrations of the Spirit’s power.

For those who are unfamiliar with Praying Medic, he has been a Paramedic for over three decades.  In 2000, while an atheist, he encountered Jesus in the bunk room of a fire station and that encounter radically changed the course of his life.  In 2008 the Lord spoke to him in a dream and told the Medic that He would heal his patients if he would be faithful to pray for them.  Praying Medic didn’t believe in healing at the time, but he began to pray.  In 2009 he began a blog, the Mobile Intensive Prayer Unit, to chronicle the work God was doing through healing and miracles around the world, as well as to share some of his own experiences of learning to move in healing and miracles.  Eventually he moved over to PrayingMedic.com.  After blogging for years, he published his first book in 2013 called Divine Healing Made Simple, and in 2016 he appeared on Sid Roth’s show Its Supernatural (the video is below).

He often writes about healing, but also covers dreams, deliverance, hearing God and seeing in the spirit, spiritual travel, politics and economics, and more.  He infrequently speaks at conferences and other training events, preferring to focus on writing books, podcasting, and now teaching online courses.


Resurrection Power – Training to Raise The Dead

In this 2-part training series, the Inside Out Equipping Team teaches on how to raise the dead.  Inside Out Training and Equipping is a ministry founded by Cheryl Fritz.  The ministry is a free supernatural training school that uses Skype to disciple believers around the globe to do signs, wonders, miracles, healing, prophecy, and much more.  The speakers in this particular class all have some experience with raising the dead.

Visit their Website or join them on Facebook.